将 PutObjectRetention 与 Amazon SDK 或命令行工具结合使用 - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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PutObjectRetention 与 Amazon SDK 或命令行工具结合使用

以下代码示例演示如何使用 PutObjectRetention


Amazon SDK for .NET

在 GitHub 上查看更多内容。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

/// <summary> /// Set or modify a retention period on an object in an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object.</param> /// <param name="retention">The retention mode.</param> /// <param name="retainUntilDate">The date retention expires.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyObjectRetentionPeriod(string bucketName, string objectKey, ObjectLockRetentionMode retention, DateTime retainUntilDate) { try { var request = new PutObjectRetentionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Retention = new ObjectLockRetention() { Mode = retention, RetainUntilDate = retainUntilDate } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectRetentionAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tSet retention for {objectKey} in {bucketName} until {retainUntilDate:d}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying retention period: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon SDK for .NET API 参考》中的 PutObjectRetention

Amazon CLI


以下 put-object-retention 示例为指定对象设置直到 2025 年 1 月 1 日的对象保留配置。

aws s3api put-object-retention \ --bucket my-bucket-with-object-lock \ --key doc1.rtf \ --retention '{ "Mode": "GOVERNANCE", "RetainUntilDate": "2025-01-01T00:00:00" }'


  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon CLI 命令参考》中的 PutObjectRetention

SDK for Java 2.x

查看 GitHub,了解更多信息。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

// Set or modify a retention period on an object in an S3 bucket. public void modifyObjectRetentionPeriod(String bucketName, String objectKey) { // Calculate the instant one day from now. Instant futureInstant = Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS); // Convert the Instant to a ZonedDateTime object with a specific time zone. ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = futureInstant.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()); // Define a formatter for human-readable output. DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // Format the ZonedDateTime object to a human-readable date string. String humanReadableDate = formatter.format(zonedDateTime); // Print the formatted date string. System.out.println("Formatted Date: " + humanReadableDate); ObjectLockRetention retention = ObjectLockRetention.builder() .mode(ObjectLockRetentionMode.GOVERNANCE) .retainUntilDate(futureInstant) .build(); PutObjectRetentionRequest retentionRequest = PutObjectRetentionRequest.builder() .bucket(bucketName) .key(objectKey) .retention(retention) .build(); getClient().putObjectRetention(retentionRequest); System.out.println("Set retention for "+objectKey +" in " +bucketName +" until "+ humanReadableDate +"."); }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon SDK for Java 2.x API 参考》中的 PutObjectRetention

适用于 PowerShell 的工具

示例 1:该命令为给定 S3 存储桶中的“testfile.txt”对象启用监管保留模式,直到日期“2019 年 12 月 31 日 00:00:00”。

Write-S3ObjectRetention -BucketName 's3buckettesting' -Key 'testfile.txt' -Retention_Mode GOVERNANCE -Retention_RetainUntilDate "2019-12-31T00:00:00"
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet 参考》中的 PutObjectRetention

有关 Amazon SDK 开发人员指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅 将此服务与 Amazon SDK 结合使用。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前的 SDK 版本的详细信息。