Creating an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster - Amazon Aurora
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Creating an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster

The following procedure creates an Aurora Serverless v1 cluster without any of your schema objects or data. If you want to create an Aurora Serverless v1 cluster that's a duplicate of an existing provisioned or Aurora Serverless v1 cluster, you can perform a snapshot restore or cloning operation instead. For those details, see Restoring from a DB cluster snapshot and Cloning a volume for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You can't convert an existing provisioned cluster to Aurora Serverless v1. You also can't convert an existing Aurora Serverless v1 cluster back to a provisioned cluster.

When you create an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, you can set the minimum and maximum capacity for the cluster. A capacity unit is equivalent to a specific compute and memory configuration. Aurora Serverless v1 creates scaling rules for thresholds for CPU utilization, connections, and available memory and seamlessly scales to a range of capacity units as needed for your applications. For more information see Aurora Serverless v1 architecture.

You can set the following specific values for your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster:

  • Minimum Aurora capacity unit – Aurora Serverless v1 can reduce capacity down to this capacity unit.

  • Maximum Aurora capacity unit – Aurora Serverless v1 can increase capacity up to this capacity unit.

You can also choose the following optional scaling configuration options:

  • Force scaling the capacity to the specified values when the timeout is reached – You can choose this setting if you want Aurora Serverless v1 to force Aurora Serverless v1 to scale even if it can't find a scaling point before it times out. If you want Aurora Serverless v1 to cancel capacity changes if it can't find a scaling point, don't choose this setting. For more information, see Timeout action for capacity changes.

  • Pause compute capacity after consecutive minutes of inactivity – You can choose this setting if you want Aurora Serverless v1 to scale to zero when there's no activity on your DB cluster for an amount of time you specify. With this setting enabled, your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster automatically resumes processing and scales to the necessary capacity to handle the workload when database traffic resumes. To learn more, see Pause and resume for Aurora Serverless v1.

Before you can create an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, you need an Amazon account. You also need to have completed the setup tasks for working with Amazon Aurora. For more information, see Setting up your environment for Amazon Aurora. You also need to complete other preliminary steps for creating any Aurora DB cluster. To learn more, see Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

Aurora Serverless v1 is available in certain Amazon Web Services Regions and for specific Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL versions only. For more information, see Supported Regions and Aurora DB engines for Aurora Serverless v1.


The cluster volume for an Aurora Serverless v1 cluster is always encrypted. When you create your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, you can't turn off encryption, but you can choose to use your own encryption key. With Aurora Serverless v2, you can choose whether to encrypt the cluster volume.

You can create an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster with the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon CLI, or the RDS API.


If you receive the following error message when trying to create your cluster, your account needs additional permissions.

Unable to create the resource. Verify that you have permission to create service linked role. Otherwise wait and try again later.

See Using service-linked roles for Amazon Aurora for more information.

You can't directly connect to the DB instance on your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster. To connect to your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, you use the database endpoint. You can find the endpoint for your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster on the Connectivity & security tab for your cluster in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information, see Connecting to an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

Use the following general procedure. For more information on creating an Aurora DB cluster using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, see Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

To create a new Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

  2. Choose an Amazon Web Services Region that supports Aurora Serverless v1.

  3. Choose Amazon RDS from the Amazon Services list.

  4. Choose Create database.

  5. On the Create database page:

    1. Choose Standard create for the database creation method.

    2. Continue creating the Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster by using the steps from the following examples.


      If you choose a version of the DB engine that doesn't support Aurora Serverless v1, the Serverless option doesn't display for DB instance class.

Example for Aurora MySQL

Use the following procedure.

To create an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster for Aurora MySQL
  1. For Engine type, choose Aurora (MySQL Compatibile).

  2. Choose the Aurora MySQL version, compatible with Aurora Serverless v1, that you want for your DB cluster. The supported versions are shown on the right side of the page.

    Create Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster with console
  3. For DB instance class, choose Serverless.

  4. Set the Capacity range for the DB cluster.

  5. Adjust values as needed in the Additional scaling configuration section of the page. To learn more about capacity settings, see Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless v1.

    Setting capacity for an Aurora MySQL Serverless v1 DB cluster with console
  6. To enable the Data API for your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, select the Data API check box under Additional configuration in the Connectivity section.

    To learn more about the Data API, see Using RDS Data API.

  7. Choose other database settings as needed, then choose Create database.

Example for Aurora PostgreSQL

Use the following procedure.

To create an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster for Aurora PostgreSQL
  1. For Engine type, choose Aurora (PostgreSQL Compatibile).

  2. Choose the Aurora PostgreSQL version, compatible with Aurora Serverless v1, that you want for your DB cluster. The supported versions are shown on the right side of the page.

    Create Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v1 DB cluster with console
  3. For DB instance class, choose Serverless.

  4. If you chose an Aurora PostgreSQL version 13 minor version, choose Serverless v1 from the menu.


    Aurora PostgreSQL version 13 also supports Aurora Serverless v2.

  5. Set the Capacity range for the DB cluster.

  6. Adjust values as needed in the Additional scaling configuration section of the page. To learn more about capacity settings, see Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless v1.

    Setting capacity for an Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v1 DB cluster with console
  7. To use the Data API with your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster, select the Data API check box under Additional configuration in the Connectivity section.

    To learn more about the Data API, see Using RDS Data API.

  8. Choose other database settings as needed, then choose Create database.

To create a new Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster with the Amazon CLI, run the create-db-cluster command and specify serverless for the --engine-mode option.

You can optionally specify the --scaling-configuration option to configure the minimum capacity, maximum capacity, and automatic pause when there are no connections.

The following command examples create a new Serverless DB cluster by setting the --engine-mode option to serverless. The examples also specify values for the --scaling-configuration option.

Example for Aurora MySQL

The following command creates a new Aurora MySQL–compatible Serverless DB cluster. Valid capacity values for Aurora MySQL are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier sample-cluster \ --engine aurora-mysql --engine-version 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.4 \ --engine-mode serverless \ --scaling-configuration MinCapacity=4,MaxCapacity=32,SecondsUntilAutoPause=1000,AutoPause=true \ --master-username username --master-user-password password

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier sample-cluster ^ --engine aurora-mysql --engine-version 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.4 ^ --engine-mode serverless ^ --scaling-configuration MinCapacity=4,MaxCapacity=32,SecondsUntilAutoPause=1000,AutoPause=true ^ --master-username username --master-user-password password

Example for Aurora PostgreSQL

The following command creates a new PostgreSQL 13.9–compatible Serverless DB cluster. Valid capacity values for Aurora PostgreSQL are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 192, and 384.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier sample-cluster \ --engine aurora-postgresql --engine-version 13.9 \ --engine-mode serverless \ --scaling-configuration MinCapacity=8,MaxCapacity=64,SecondsUntilAutoPause=1000,AutoPause=true \ --master-username username --master-user-password password

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier sample-cluster ^ --engine aurora-postgresql --engine-version 13.9 ^ --engine-mode serverless ^ --scaling-configuration MinCapacity=8,MaxCapacity=64,SecondsUntilAutoPause=1000,AutoPause=true ^ --master-username username --master-user-password password

To create a new Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster with the RDS API, run the CreateDBCluster operation and specify serverless for the EngineMode parameter.

You can optionally specify the ScalingConfiguration parameter to configure the minimum capacity, maximum capacity, and automatic pause when there are no connections. Valid capacity values include the following:

  • Aurora MySQL: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256.

  • Aurora PostgreSQL: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 192, and 384.