Using the Amazon SDK for Ruby - Version 3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Using the Amazon SDK for Ruby - Version 3

The Amazon SDK for Ruby provides an API for Amazon S3 bucket and object operations. For object operations, you can use the API to upload objects in a single operation or upload large objects in parts (see Uploading an object using multipart upload). However, the API for a single operation upload can also accept large objects and behind the scenes manage the upload in parts for you, thereby reducing the amount of script you need to write.

The Ruby API Organization

When creating Amazon S3 applications using the Amazon SDK for Ruby, you must install the SDK for Ruby gem. For more information, see the Amazon SDK for Ruby - Version 3. Once installed, you can access the API, including the following key classes:

  • Aws::S3::Resource—Represents the interface to Amazon S3 for the Ruby SDK and provides methods for creating and enumerating buckets.

    The S3 class provides the #buckets instance method for accessing existing buckets or creating new ones.

  • Aws::S3::Bucket—Represents an Amazon S3 bucket. 

    The Bucket class provides the #object(key) and #objects methods for accessing the objects in a bucket, as well as methods to delete a bucket and return information about a bucket, like the bucket policy.

  • Aws::S3::Object—Represents an Amazon S3 object identified by its key.

    The Object class provides methods for getting and setting properties of an object, specifying the storage class for storing objects, and setting object permissions using access control lists. The Object class also has methods for deleting, uploading and copying objects. When uploading objects in parts, this class provides options for you to specify the order of parts uploaded and the part size.

For more information about the Amazon SDK for Ruby API, go to Amazon SDK for Ruby - Version 2.

Testing the Ruby Script Examples

The easiest way to get started with the Ruby script examples is to install the latest Amazon SDK for Ruby gem. For information about installing or updating to the latest gem, go to Amazon SDK for Ruby - Version 3. The following tasks guide you through the creation and testing of the Ruby script examples assuming that you have installed the Amazon SDK for Ruby.


To access Amazon, you must provide a set of credentials for your SDK for Ruby application. For more information, see Configuring the Amazon SDK for Ruby.


Create a new SDK for Ruby script and add the following lines to the top of the script.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'aws-sdk-s3'

The first line is the interpreter directive and the two require statements import two required gems into your script.


Copy the code from the section you are reading to your script.


Update the code by providing any required data. For example, if uploading a file, provide the file path and the bucket name.


Run the script. Verify changes to buckets and objects by using the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information about the Amazon Web Services Management Console, go to

Ruby Samples

The following links contain samples to help get you started with the SDK for Ruby - Version 3: