Set up a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API - Amazon API Gateway
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Set up a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API

Before customizing a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API, you must have already created an API and have obtained its identifier. To retrieve the API identifier, you can follow restapi:gateway-responses link relation and examine the result.

To customize a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API
  1. To overwrite an entire GatewayResponse instance, call the gatewayresponse:put action. Specify a desired responseType in the URL path parameter, and supply in the request payload the statusCode, responseParameters, and responseTemplates mappings.

  2. To update part of a GatewayResponse instance, call the gatewayresponse:update action. Specify a desired responseType in the URL path parameter, and supply in the request payload the individual GatewayResponse properties you want—for example, the responseParameters or the responseTemplates mapping.