Step 4: Upload the source code and the buildspec file - Amazon CodeBuild
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Step 4: Upload the source code and the buildspec file

(Previous step: Step 3: Create two S3 buckets)

In this step, you add the source code and build spec file to the input bucket.

Using your operating system's zip utility, create a file named that includes,, pom.xml, and buildspec.yml.

The file's directory structure must look like this. |-- pom.xml |-- buildspec.yml `-- src |-- main | `-- java | `-- `-- test `-- java `--

Do not include the (root directory name) directory, only the directories and files in the (root directory name) directory.

Upload the file to the input bucket named codebuild-region-ID-account-ID-input-bucket.


For CodeCommit, GitHub, and Bitbucket repositories, by convention, you must store a build spec file named buildspec.yml in the root (top level) of each repository or include the build spec declaration as part of the build project definition. Do not create a ZIP file that contains the repository's source code and build spec file.

For build input stored in S3 buckets only, you must create a ZIP file that contains the source code and, by convention, a build spec file named buildspec.yml at the root (top level) or include the build spec declaration as part of the build project definition.

If you want to use a different name for your build spec file, or you want to reference a build spec in a location other than the root, you can specify a build spec override as part of the build project definition. For more information, see Buildspec file name and storage location.

Next step

Step 5: Create the build project