UpdateVocabulary - Amazon Transcribe


Updates an existing custom vocabulary with new values. This operation overwrites all existing information with your new values; you cannot append new terms onto an existing custom vocabulary.

Request Syntax

{ "DataAccessRoleArn": "string", "LanguageCode": "string", "Phrases": [ "string" ], "VocabularyFileUri": "string", "VocabularyName": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files (in this case, your custom vocabulary). If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

For more information, see IAM ARNs.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^arn:(aws|aws-cn|aws-us-gov|aws-iso-{0,1}[a-z]{0,1}):iam::[0-9]{0,63}:role/[A-Za-z0-9:_/+=,@.-]{0,1024}$

Required: No


The language code that represents the language of the entries in the custom vocabulary you want to update. Each custom vocabulary must contain terms in only one language.

A custom vocabulary can only be used to transcribe files in the same language as the custom vocabulary. For example, if you create a custom vocabulary using US English (en-US), you can only apply this custom vocabulary to files that contain English audio.

For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table.

Type: String

Valid Values: af-ZA | ar-AE | ar-SA | da-DK | de-CH | de-DE | en-AB | en-AU | en-GB | en-IE | en-IN | en-US | en-WL | es-ES | es-US | fa-IR | fr-CA | fr-FR | he-IL | hi-IN | id-ID | it-IT | ja-JP | ko-KR | ms-MY | nl-NL | pt-BR | pt-PT | ru-RU | ta-IN | te-IN | tr-TR | zh-CN | zh-TW | th-TH | en-ZA | en-NZ | vi-VN | sv-SE | ab-GE | ast-ES | az-AZ | ba-RU | be-BY | bg-BG | bn-IN | bs-BA | ca-ES | ckb-IQ | ckb-IR | cs-CZ | cy-WL | el-GR | et-ET | eu-ES | fi-FI | gl-ES | gu-IN | ha-NG | hr-HR | hu-HU | hy-AM | is-IS | ka-GE | kab-DZ | kk-KZ | kn-IN | ky-KG | lg-IN | lt-LT | lv-LV | mhr-RU | mi-NZ | mk-MK | ml-IN | mn-MN | mr-IN | mt-MT | no-NO | or-IN | pa-IN | pl-PL | ps-AF | ro-RO | rw-RW | si-LK | sk-SK | sl-SI | so-SO | sr-RS | su-ID | sw-BI | sw-KE | sw-RW | sw-TZ | sw-UG | tl-PH | tt-RU | ug-CN | uk-UA | uz-UZ | wo-SN | zu-ZA

Required: Yes


Use this parameter if you want to update your custom vocabulary by including all desired terms, as comma-separated values, within your request. The other option for updating your custom vocabulary is to save your entries in a text file and upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, then specify the location of your file using the VocabularyFileUri parameter.

Note that if you include Phrases in your request, you cannot use VocabularyFileUri; you must choose one or the other.

Each language has a character set that contains all allowed characters for that specific language. If you use unsupported characters, your custom vocabulary filter request fails. Refer to Character Sets for Custom Vocabularies to get the character set for your language.

Type: Array of strings

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: .+

Required: No


The Amazon S3 location of the text file that contains your custom vocabulary. The URI must be located in the same AWS Region as the resource you're calling.

Here's an example URI path: s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-vocab-file.txt

Note that if you include VocabularyFileUri in your request, you cannot use the Phrases flag; you must choose one or the other.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2000.

Pattern: (s3://|http(s*)://).+

Required: No


The name of the custom vocabulary you want to update. Custom vocabulary names are case sensitive.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 200.

Pattern: ^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "LanguageCode": "string", "LastModifiedTime": number, "VocabularyName": "string", "VocabularyState": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The language code you selected for your custom vocabulary.

Type: String

Valid Values: af-ZA | ar-AE | ar-SA | da-DK | de-CH | de-DE | en-AB | en-AU | en-GB | en-IE | en-IN | en-US | en-WL | es-ES | es-US | fa-IR | fr-CA | fr-FR | he-IL | hi-IN | id-ID | it-IT | ja-JP | ko-KR | ms-MY | nl-NL | pt-BR | pt-PT | ru-RU | ta-IN | te-IN | tr-TR | zh-CN | zh-TW | th-TH | en-ZA | en-NZ | vi-VN | sv-SE | ab-GE | ast-ES | az-AZ | ba-RU | be-BY | bg-BG | bn-IN | bs-BA | ca-ES | ckb-IQ | ckb-IR | cs-CZ | cy-WL | el-GR | et-ET | eu-ES | fi-FI | gl-ES | gu-IN | ha-NG | hr-HR | hu-HU | hy-AM | is-IS | ka-GE | kab-DZ | kk-KZ | kn-IN | ky-KG | lg-IN | lt-LT | lv-LV | mhr-RU | mi-NZ | mk-MK | ml-IN | mn-MN | mr-IN | mt-MT | no-NO | or-IN | pa-IN | pl-PL | ps-AF | ro-RO | rw-RW | si-LK | sk-SK | sl-SI | so-SO | sr-RS | su-ID | sw-BI | sw-KE | sw-RW | sw-TZ | sw-UG | tl-PH | tt-RU | ug-CN | uk-UA | uz-UZ | wo-SN | zu-ZA


The date and time the specified custom vocabulary was last updated.

Timestamps are in the format YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS-UTC. For example, 2022-05-04T12:32:58.761000-07:00 represents 12:32 PM UTC-7 on May 4, 2022.

Type: Timestamp


The name of the updated custom vocabulary.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 200.

Pattern: ^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+


The processing state of your custom vocabulary. If the state is READY, you can use the custom vocabulary in a StartTranscriptionJob request.

Type: String



For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


Your request didn't pass one or more validation tests. This can occur when the entity you're trying to delete doesn't exist or if it's in a non-terminal state (such as IN PROGRESS). See the exception message field for more information.

HTTP Status Code: 400


A resource already exists with this name. Resource names must be unique within an AWS account.

HTTP Status Code: 400


There was an internal error. Check the error message, correct the issue, and try your request again.

HTTP Status Code: 500


You've either sent too many requests or your input file is too long. Wait before retrying your request, or use a smaller file and try your request again.

HTTP Status Code: 400


We can't find the requested resource. Check that the specified name is correct and try your request again.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: