You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ComprehendMedical::Types::ICD10CMAttribute

  • Object
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The detected attributes that relate to an entity. This includes an extracted segment of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or otherwise related to an entity. InferICD10CM detects the following attributes: Direction, System, Organ or Site, and Acuity.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.


  • (Integer)

    The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute begins.


The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.


  • (Integer)

    The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute ends.


The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.


  • (Integer)

    The numeric identifier for this attribute.


The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this attribute is correctly related to this entity.


  • (Float)

    The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this attribute is correctly related to this entity.


The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.


  • (Float)

    The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.


The segment of input text which contains the detected attribute.


  • (String)

    The segment of input text which contains the detected attribute.


The contextual information for the attribute. The traits recognized by InferICD10CM are DIAGNOSIS, SIGN, SYMPTOM, and NEGATION.



The type of attribute. InferICD10CM detects entities of the type DX_NAME.

Possible values:



  • (String)

    The type of attribute.