You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::NetworkFirewall::Types::CreateFirewallRequest

  • Object
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When passing CreateFirewallRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  firewall_name: "ResourceName", # required
  firewall_policy_arn: "ResourceArn", # required
  vpc_id: "VpcId", # required
  subnet_mappings: [ # required
      subnet_id: "CollectionMember_String", # required
  delete_protection: false,
  subnet_change_protection: false,
  firewall_policy_change_protection: false,
  description: "Description",
  tags: [
      key: "TagKey", # required
      value: "TagValue", # required

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A flag indicating whether it is possible to delete the firewall. A setting of TRUE indicates that the firewall is protected against deletion. Use this setting to protect against accidentally deleting a firewall that is in use. When you create a firewall, the operation initializes this flag to TRUE.


  • (Boolean)

    A flag indicating whether it is possible to delete the firewall.


A description of the firewall.


  • (String)

    A description of the firewall.


The descriptive name of the firewall. You can\'t change the name of a firewall after you create it.


  • (String)

    The descriptive name of the firewall.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the FirewallPolicy that you want to use for the firewall.


  • (String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the FirewallPolicy that you want to use for the firewall.


A setting indicating whether the firewall is protected against a change to the firewall policy association. Use this setting to protect against accidentally modifying the firewall policy for a firewall that is in use. When you create a firewall, the operation initializes this setting to TRUE.


  • (Boolean)

    A setting indicating whether the firewall is protected against a change to the firewall policy association.


A setting indicating whether the firewall is protected against changes to the subnet associations. Use this setting to protect against accidentally modifying the subnet associations for a firewall that is in use. When you create a firewall, the operation initializes this setting to TRUE.


  • (Boolean)

    A setting indicating whether the firewall is protected against changes to the subnet associations.


The public subnets to use for your Network Firewall firewalls. Each subnet must belong to a different Availability Zone in the VPC. Network Firewall creates a firewall endpoint in each subnet.



The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.


  • (Array<Types::Tag>)

    The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.


The unique identifier of the VPC where Network Firewall should create the firewall.

You can\'t change this setting after you create the firewall.


  • (String)

    The unique identifier of the VPC where Network Firewall should create the firewall.