AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath PathFilter - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath PathFilter

Describes a set of filters for a path analysis. Use path filters to scope the analysis when there can be multiple resulting paths.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The destination IPv4 address.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 15

Update requires: Replacement


The destination port range.

Required: No

Type: FilterPortRange

Update requires: Replacement


The source IPv4 address.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 15

Update requires: Replacement


The source port range.

Required: No

Type: FilterPortRange

Update requires: Replacement