AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment DeploymentIoTJobConfiguration - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment DeploymentIoTJobConfiguration

Contains information about an Amazon IoT job configuration.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The stop configuration for the job. This configuration defines when and how to stop a job rollout.

Required: No

Type: IoTJobAbortConfig

Update requires: Replacement


The rollout configuration for the job. This configuration defines the rate at which the job rolls out to the fleet of target devices.

Required: No

Type: IoTJobExecutionsRolloutConfig

Update requires: Replacement


The timeout configuration for the job. This configuration defines the amount of time each device has to complete the job.

Required: No

Type: IoTJobTimeoutConfig

Update requires: Replacement