AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment SystemResourceLimits - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment SystemResourceLimits

Contains information about system resource limits that the software applies to a component's processes.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Cpus" : Number, "Memory" : Integer }


Cpus: Number Memory: Integer



The maximum amount of CPU time that a component's processes can use on the core device. A core device's total CPU time is equivalent to the device's number of CPU cores. For example, on a core device with 4 CPU cores, you can set this value to 2 to limit the component's processes to 50 percent usage of each CPU core. On a device with 1 CPU core, you can set this value to 0.25 to limit the component's processes to 25 percent usage of the CPU. If you set this value to a number greater than the number of CPU cores, the Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software doesn't limit the component's CPU usage.

Required: No

Type: Number

Minimum: 0

Update requires: Replacement


The maximum amount of RAM, expressed in kilobytes, that a component's processes can use on the core device. For more information, see Configure system resource limits for components.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 9223372036854771712

Update requires: Replacement