AWS::MediaLive::Multiplexprogram MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::MediaLive::Multiplexprogram MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings

Statmux rate control settings


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "MaximumBitrate" : Integer, "MinimumBitrate" : Integer, "Priority" : Integer }


MaximumBitrate: Integer MinimumBitrate: Integer Priority: Integer



Maximum statmux bitrate.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 100000

Maximum: 100000000

Update requires: No interruption


Minimum statmux bitrate.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 100000

Maximum: 100000000

Update requires: No interruption


The purpose of the priority is to use a combination of the\nmultiplex rate control algorithm and the QVBR capability of the\nencoder to prioritize the video quality of some channels in a\nmultiplex over others. Channels that have a higher priority will\nget higher video quality at the expense of the video quality of\nother channels in the multiplex with lower priority.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: -5

Maximum: 5

Update requires: No interruption