AWS::Wisdom::KnowledgeBase AppIntegrationsConfiguration - Amazon CloudFormation
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

AWS::Wisdom::KnowledgeBase AppIntegrationsConfiguration

Configuration information for Amazon AppIntegrations to automatically ingest content.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "AppIntegrationArn" : String, "ObjectFields" : [ String, ... ] }


AppIntegrationArn: String ObjectFields: - String



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AppIntegrations DataIntegration to use for ingesting content.

  • For Salesforce, your AppIntegrations DataIntegration must have an ObjectConfiguration if objectFields is not provided, including at least Id, ArticleNumber, VersionNumber, Title, PublishStatus, and IsDeleted as source fields.

  • For ServiceNow, your AppIntegrations DataIntegration must have an ObjectConfiguration if objectFields is not provided, including at least number, short_description, sys_mod_count, workflow_state, and active as source fields.

  • For Zendesk, your AppIntegrations DataIntegration must have an ObjectConfiguration if objectFields is not provided, including at least id, title, updated_at, and draft as source fields.

  • For SharePoint, your AppIntegrations DataIntegration must have a FileConfiguration, including only file extensions that are among docx, pdf, html, htm, and txt.

  • For Amazon S3, the ObjectConfiguration and FileConfiguration of your AppIntegrations DataIntegration must be null. The SourceURI of your DataIntegration must use the following format: s3://your_s3_bucket_name.


    The bucket policy of the corresponding S3 bucket must allow the Amazon principal to perform s3:ListBucket, s3:GetObject, and s3:GetBucketLocation against the bucket.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:[a-z-]+?:[a-z-]+?:[a-z0-9-]*?:([0-9]{12})?:[a-zA-Z0-9-:/]+$

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 2048

Update requires: Replacement


The fields from the source that are made available to your agents in Amazon Q in Connect. Optional if ObjectConfiguration is included in the provided DataIntegration.

  • For Salesforce, you must include at least Id, ArticleNumber, VersionNumber, Title, PublishStatus, and IsDeleted.

  • For ServiceNow, you must include at least number, short_description, sys_mod_count, workflow_state, and active.

  • For Zendesk, you must include at least id, title, updated_at, and draft.

Make sure to include additional fields. These fields are indexed and used to source recommendations.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Minimum: 1 | 1

Maximum: 4096 | 100

Update requires: Replacement