AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector - Amazon CloudFormation
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The AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector type specifies an anomaly detection band for a certain metric and statistic. The band represents the expected "normal" range for the metric values. Anomaly detection bands can be used for visualization of a metric's expected values, and for alarms.

For more information see Using CloudWatch anomaly detection..


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector", "Properties" : { "Configuration" : Configuration, "Dimensions" : [ Dimension, ... ], "MetricCharacteristics" : MetricCharacteristics, "MetricMathAnomalyDetector" : MetricMathAnomalyDetector, "MetricName" : String, "Namespace" : String, "SingleMetricAnomalyDetector" : SingleMetricAnomalyDetector, "Stat" : String } }



Specifies details about how the anomaly detection model is to be trained, including time ranges to exclude when training and updating the model. The configuration can also include the time zone to use for the metric.

Required: No

Type: Configuration

Update requires: No interruption


The dimensions of the metric associated with the anomaly detection band.

Required: No

Type: Array of Dimension

Update requires: Replacement


Use this object to include parameters to provide information about your metric to CloudWatch to help it build more accurate anomaly detection models. Currently, it includes the PeriodicSpikes parameter.

Required: No

Type: MetricCharacteristics

Update requires: Replacement


The CloudWatch metric math expression for this anomaly detector.

Required: No

Type: MetricMathAnomalyDetector

Update requires: Replacement


The name of the metric associated with the anomaly detection band.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The namespace of the metric associated with the anomaly detection band.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The CloudWatch metric and statistic for this anomaly detector.

Required: No

Type: SingleMetricAnomalyDetector

Update requires: Replacement


The statistic of the metric associated with the anomaly detection band.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement

Return values



Anomaly Detector

This example creates an anomaly detector model for the metric named JvmMetric with the dimension value of UsedMemory. It excludes a time range from the model training.


{ "Description": "AnomalyDetectorOnUsedMemory", "Resources": { "AnomalyDetectorOnUsedMemory": { "Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector", "Properties": { "MetricName": "JvmMetric", "Namespace": "AWSSDK/Java", "Stat": "Average", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "Memory", "Value": "UsedMemory" } ], "Configuration": { "MetricTimeZone": "UTC", "ExcludedTimeRanges": [ { "StartTime": "2019-07-01T00:00:00", "EndTime": "2019-07-01T23:59:59" } ] } } } } }


Description: AnomalyDetectorOnUsedMemory Resources: AnomalyDetectorOnUsedMemory: Type: AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector Properties: MetricName: JvmMetric Namespace: AWSSDK/Java Stat: Average Dimensions: - Name: Memory Value: UsedMemory Configuration: MetricTimeZone: UTC ExcludedTimeRanges: - StartTime: 2019-07-01T00:00:00 EndTime: 2019-07-01T23:59:59