AWS::Oam::Link - Amazon CloudFormation
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Creates a link between a source account and a sink that you have created in a monitoring account.

Before you create a link, you must create a sink in the monitoring account. The sink must have a sink policy that permits the source account to link to it. You can grant permission to source accounts by granting permission to an entire organization, an organizational unit, or to individual accounts.

For more information, see CreateSink and PutSinkPolicy.

Each monitoring account can be linked to as many as 100,000 source accounts.

Each source account can be linked to as many as five monitoring accounts.

To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:

{ "Type" : "AWS::Oam::Link", "Properties" : { "LabelTemplate" : String, "LinkConfiguration" : LinkConfiguration, "ResourceTypes" : [ String, ... ], "SinkIdentifier" : String, "Tags" : {Key: Value, ...} } }
Type: AWS::Oam::Link Properties: LabelTemplate: String LinkConfiguration: LinkConfiguration ResourceTypes: - String SinkIdentifier: String Tags: Key: Value

Specify a friendly human-readable name to use to identify this source account when you are viewing data from it in the monitoring account.

You can include the following variables in your template:

  • $AccountName is the name of the account

  • $AccountEmail is a globally-unique email address, which includes the email domain, such as

  • $AccountEmailNoDomain is an email address without the domain name, such as mariagarcia

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 64

Update requires: Replacement

Use this structure to optionally create filters that specify that only some metric namespaces or log groups are to be shared from the source account to the monitoring account.

Required: No

Type: LinkConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption

An array of strings that define which types of data that the source account shares with the monitoring account. Valid values are AWS::CloudWatch::Metric | AWS::Logs::LogGroup | AWS::XRay::Trace | AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application | AWS::InternetMonitor::Monitor.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 50

Update requires: No interruption

The ARN of the sink in the monitoring account that you want to link to. You can use ListSinks to find the ARNs of sinks.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 2048

Update requires: Replacement

An array of key-value pairs to apply to the link.

For more information, see Tag.

Required: No

Type: Object of String

Pattern: ^(?!aws:.*).{1,128}$

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 256

Update requires: No interruption

When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the ARN of the link. For example, arn:aws:oam:us-west-1:111111111111:link:abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b456c789.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.

The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The ARN of the link. For example, arn:aws:oam:us-west-1:111111111111:link:abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b456c789


The friendly human-readable name used to identify this source account when it is viewed from the monitoring account. For example, my-account1.

This example creates a link from the current source account to the sink created in the 111111111111 account. Over this link, logs and traces are shared but metrics are not.

{ "LabelTemplate": "$AccountEmail", "ResourceTypes": [ "AWS::Logs::LogGroup", "AWS::XRay::Trace" ], "SinkIdentifier": "arn:aws:oam:eu-north-1:111111111111:sink/EXAMPLE-206d-4daf-9b42-1e17d5f145ef" }
LabelTemplate: "$AccountEmail" ResourceTypes: - "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" - "AWS::XRay::Trace" SinkIdentifier: "arn:aws:oam:eu-north-1:111111111111:sink/EXAMPLE-206d-4daf-9b42-1e17d5f145ef"

This example creates a link from the current source account to the sink created in the 111111111111 account. To properly view Application Insights applications with dashboards, logs, metrics, traces, and Application Insights applications must be shared.

{ "LabelTemplate": "$AccountEmail", "ResourceTypes": [ "AWS::Logs::LogGroup", "AWS::CloudWatch::Metric", "AWS::XRay::Trace", "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application" ], "SinkIdentifier": "arn:aws:oam:eu-north-1:111111111111:sink/EXAMPLE-206d-4daf-9b42-1e17d5f145ef" }
LabelTemplate: "$AccountEmail" ResourceTypes: - "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" - "AWS::CloudWatch::Metric" - "AWS::XRay::Trace" - "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application" SinkIdentifier: "arn:aws:oam:eu-north-1:111111111111:sink/EXAMPLE-206d-4daf-9b42-1e17d5f145ef" SinkIdentifier: "arn:aws:oam:eu-north-1:1111111111111111:sink/EXAMPLE-206d-4daf-9b42-1e17d5f145ef"

This example creates a link that shares only one metric namespace and one log group from the source account to the monitoring account.

{ "TestLink": { "Type": "AWS::Oam::Link", "Properties": { "LabelTemplate": "$AccountEmail", "ResourceTypes": [ "AWS::CloudWatch::Metric", "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" ], "SinkIdentifier": { "Fn::ImportValue": "export-canary-sinkarn" }, "LinkConfiguration": { "MetricConfiguration": { "Filter": "Namespace = 'TestNamespace'" }, "LogGroupConfiguration": { "Filter": "LogGroupName = 'TestLogGroupName'" } } } } }
TestLink: DependsOn: WaiterCustomResource Type: AWS::Oam::Link Properties: LabelTemplate: "$AccountEmail" ResourceTypes: - "AWS::CloudWatch::Metric" - "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" SinkIdentifier: !ImportValue export-canary-sinkarn LinkConfiguration: MetricConfiguration: Filter: "Namespace = 'TestNamespace'" LogGroupConfiguration: Filter: "LogGroupName = 'TestLogGroupName'"