AWS::PCAConnectorAD::TemplateGroupAccessControlEntry - Amazon CloudFormation
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Create a group access control entry. Allow or deny Active Directory groups from enrolling and/or autoenrolling with the template based on the group security identifiers (SIDs).


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::PCAConnectorAD::TemplateGroupAccessControlEntry", "Properties" : { "AccessRights" : AccessRights, "GroupDisplayName" : String, "GroupSecurityIdentifier" : String, "TemplateArn" : String } }


Type: AWS::PCAConnectorAD::TemplateGroupAccessControlEntry Properties: AccessRights: AccessRights GroupDisplayName: String GroupSecurityIdentifier: String TemplateArn: String



Permissions to allow or deny an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates issued against a template.

Required: Yes

Type: AccessRights

Update requires: No interruption


Name of the Active Directory group. This name does not need to match the group name in Active Directory.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^[\x20-\x7E]+$

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 256

Update requires: No interruption


Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^S-[0-9]-([0-9]+-){1,14}[0-9]+$

Minimum: 7

Maximum: 256

Update requires: Replacement


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:[\w-]+:pca-connector-ad:[\w-]+:[0-9]+:connector(\/[\w-]+)\/template(\/[\w-]+)$

Minimum: 5

Maximum: 200

Update requires: Replacement