Launch Amazon EC2 instances into a host resource group - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Launch Amazon EC2 instances into a host resource group

Dedicated Hosts are also integrated with Amazon License Manager. With License Manager, you can create a host resource group, which is a collection of Dedicated Hosts that are managed as a single entity. When creating a host resource group, you specify the host management preferences, such as auto-allocate and auto-release, for the Dedicated Hosts. This allows you to launch instances onto Dedicated Hosts without manually allocating and managing those hosts. For more information, see Host Resource Groups in the Amazon License Manager User Guide.

When you launch an instance into a host resource group that has a Dedicated Host with available instance capacity, Amazon EC2 launches the instance onto that host. If the host resource group does not have a host with available instance capacity, Amazon EC2 automatically allocates a new host in the host resource group, and then launches the instance onto that host. For more information, see Host Resource Groups in the Amazon License Manager User Guide.

Requirements and limits
  • You must associate a core- or socket-based license configuration with the AMI.

  • You can't use SQL Server, SUSE, or RHEL AMIs provided by Amazon EC2 with Dedicated Hosts.

  • You can't target a specific host by choosing a host ID, and you can't enable instance affinity when launching an instance into a host resource group.

You can launch an instance into a host resource group using the following methods.

To launch an instance into a host resource group
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Instances, Launch Instance.

  3. Select an AMI.

  4. Select the type of instance to launch and choose Next: Configure Instance Details.

  5. On the Configure Instance Details page, configure the instance settings to suit your needs, and then do the following:

    1. For Tenancy, choose Dedicated Host.

    2. For Host resource group, choose Launch instance into a host resource group.

    3. For Host resource group name, choose the host resource group in which to launch the instance.

  6. Choose Review and Launch.

  7. On the Review Instance Launch page, choose Launch.

  8. When prompted, select an existing key pair or create a new one, and then choose Launch Instances.

Amazon CLI
To launch an instance into a host resource group

Use the run-instances Amazon CLI command, and in the Placement request parameter, omit the Tenancy option and specify the host resource group ARN.

To launch an instance into a host resource group

Use the New-EC2Instance Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell command, and in the Placement request parameter, omit the Tenancy option and specify the host resource group ARN.