前置和后置脚本的其他用例 - Amazon EBS
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  • 创建快照之前使用前置脚本来应用补丁。这可以帮助您在应用每周或每月定期软件更新后创建快照。



  • 创建快照后使用后置脚本应用补丁。这可以帮助您在应用每周或每月定期软件更新之前创建快照。



  1. 在目标实例上安装 SSM Agent(如果尚未安装)。如果目标实例上已安装 SSM Agent,请跳过此步骤。

  2. 确保 SSM Agent 正在运行。有关更多信息,请参阅正在检查 SSM Agent 状态并启动代理

  3. 为 Amazon EC2 实例设置 Systems Manager。有关更多信息,请参阅《Amazon Systems Manager 用户指南》中的为 Amazon EC2 实例设置 Systems Manager

您必须创建一个 SSM 命令文档,其中包含要运行的命令的前置和/或后置脚本。

您可以使用下面的 SSM 文档空白模板创建 SSM 文档,并在相应的文档部分中添加前置和后置脚本命令。

  • 您负责确保 SSM 文档为工作负载执行正确和必需的操作。

  • SSM 文档必须包含 allowedValues 的必填字段,包括 pre-scriptpost-scriptdry-run。Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 将根据这些部分的内容在您的实例上执行命令。如果您的 SSM 文档没有这些部分,则 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 会将其视为执行失败。

###===============================================================================### # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ###===============================================================================### schemaVersion: '2.2' description: SSM Document Template for Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager Pre/Post script feature parameters: executionId: type: String default: None description: (Required) Specifies the unique identifier associated with a pre and/or post execution allowedPattern: ^(None|[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12})$ command: # Data Lifecycle Manager will trigger the pre-script and post-script actions during policy execution. # 'dry-run' option is intended for validating the document execution without triggering any commands # on the instance. The following allowedValues will allow Data Lifecycle Manager to successfully # trigger pre and post script actions. type: String default: 'dry-run' description: (Required) Specifies whether pre-script and/or post-script should be executed. allowedValues: - pre-script - post-script - dry-run mainSteps: - action: aws:runShellScript description: Run Database freeze/thaw commands name: run_pre_post_scripts precondition: StringEquals: - platformType - Linux inputs: runCommand: - | #!/bin/bash ###===============================================================================### ### Error Codes ###===============================================================================### # The following Error codes will inform Data Lifecycle Manager of the type of error # and help guide handling of the error. # The Error code will also be emitted via AWS Eventbridge events in the 'cause' field. # 1 Pre-script failed during execution - 201 # 2 Post-script failed during execution - 202 # 3 Auto thaw occurred before post-script was initiated - 203 # 4 Pre-script initiated while post-script was expected - 204 # 5 Post-script initiated while pre-script was expected - 205 # 6 Application not ready for pre or post-script initiation - 206 ###===============================================================================### ### Global variables ###===============================================================================### START=$(date +%s) # For testing this script locally, replace the below with OPERATION=$1. OPERATION={{ command }} # Add all pre-script actions to be performed within the function below execute_pre_script() { echo "INFO: Start execution of pre-script" } # Add all post-script actions to be performed within the function below execute_post_script() { echo "INFO: Start execution of post-script" } # Debug logging for parameters passed to the SSM document echo "INFO: ${OPERATION} starting at $(date) with executionId: ${EXECUTION_ID}" # Based on the command parameter value execute the function that supports # pre-script/post-script operation case ${OPERATION} in pre-script) execute_pre_script ;; post-script) execute_post_script ;; dry-run) echo "INFO: dry-run option invoked - taking no action" ;; *) echo "ERROR: Invalid command parameter passed. Please use either pre-script, post-script, dry-run." exit 1 # return failure ;; esac END=$(date +%s) # Debug Log for profiling the script time echo "INFO: ${OPERATION} completed at $(date). Total runtime: $((${END} - ${START})) seconds."


  • 创建或更新使用自定义 IAM 角色的启用前置/后置脚本的快照策略。

  • 使用命令行创建或更新使用默认值的启用前置/后置脚本的快照策略。


您必须确保用于策略的 IAM 角色授予 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 权限,以执行在策略作为目标的实例上运行前置和后置脚本所需的 SSM 操作的权限。

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 提供了包含所需权限的托管策略 (AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess)。您可以将此策略附加到您的 IAM 角色以管理快照,从而确保其包含这些权限。


使用前脚本和后置脚本时, AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess 托管策略使用aws:ResourceTag条件键来限制对特定 SSM 文档的访问。要允许 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 访问 SSM 文档,您必须确保您的 SSM 文档带有 DLMScriptsAccess:true 标签。

或者,您可以手动创建自定义策略或将所需权限直接分配给您使用的 IAM 角色。您可以使用 AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess 托管策略中定义的相同权限,但是,aws:ResourceTag条件密钥是可选的。如果您决定不使用该条件键,则无需使用 DLMScriptsAccess:true 标记您的 SSM 文档。

使用以下方法之一将AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess策略添加到您的 IAM 角色。

  1. 通过 https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ 打开 IAM 控制台。

  2. 在导航面板中,选择 Roles(角色)。

  3. 搜索并选择用于管理快照的自定义角色。

  4. 权限选项卡上,选择添加权限附加策略

  5. 搜索并选择AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess托管策略,然后选择添加权限

Amazon CLI

使用 attach-role-policy 命令。对于 ---role-name,请指定您自定义角色的名称。对于 --policy-arn,请指定 arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess

$ aws iam attach-role-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSDataLifecycleManagerSSMFullAccess \ --role-name your_role_name
  1. 通过以下网址打开 Amazon EC2 控制台:https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/

  2. 在导航窗格中,依次选择 Elastic Block StoreLifecycle Manager (生命周期管理器),然后选择 Create lifecycle policy (创建生命周期策略)。

  3. 选择策略类型页面上,选择 EBS 快照策略,然后选择下一步

  4. 目标资源部分中,执行以下操作:

    1. 对于目标资源类型,请选择 Instance

    2. 对于目标资源标签,请指定识别要备份的实例的资源标签。仅备份具有指定标签的资源。

  5. 对于 IAM 角色,可以选择 AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole(用于管理快照的默认角色),也可以选择您创建并准备使用前脚本和发布脚本的自定义角色。

  6. 根据需要配置计划和其他选项。我们建议您将快照创建时间计划在与您工作负载相匹配的时间段,例如在维护窗口期间。

  7. 前置和后置脚本部分中,选择启用前置和后置脚本,然后执行以下操作:

    1. 选择自定义 SSM 文档

    2. 对于自动化选项,请选择与要运行的脚本相匹配的选项。

    3. 对于 SSM 文档,请选择您准备的 SSM 文档。

  8. 如果需要,请配置以下其他选项:

    • 脚本超时 – 如果脚本运行尝试尚未完成,则在此超时期间后,Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 的尝试失败。如果脚本未在其超时期间内完成,Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 的尝试失败。超时期间分别适用于前置和后置脚本。最小的默认超时期间为 10 秒。最长超时期间为 120 秒。

    • 重试失败的脚本 – 选择此选项可重试未在其超时期间内完成的脚本。如果前置脚本失败,则 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 会重试整个快照创建过程,包括运行前置和后置脚本。如果后置脚本失败,则 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 将仅重试后置脚本;在这种情况下,前置脚本将完成并且可能已创建快照。

    • 默认创建崩溃一致性快照 – 如果前置脚本运行失败,则选择此选项以默认创建崩溃一致性快照。如果未启用前置和后置脚本,则这是 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 的默认快照创建行为。如果您启用了重试,则只有在所有重试尝试都用尽之后,Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 才会默认创建崩溃一致性快照。如果前置脚本失败并且您没有默认创建崩溃一致性快照,则 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager 将不会在该计划运行期间为实例创建快照。

  9. 选择创建默认策略


    如果发生 Role with name AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole already exists 错误,请参阅 故障排除 来了解更多信息。

Amazon CLI

使用create-lifecycle-policy命令,并将Scripts参数包含在中CreateRule。有关参数的更多信息,请参阅 Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager API Reference

$ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "policy_description" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn iam_role_arn \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

其中 policyDetails.json 包含以下内容。

{ "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceTypes": [ "INSTANCE" ], "TargetTags": [{ "Key": "tag_key", "Value": "tag_value" }], "Schedules": [{ "Name": "schedule_name", "CreateRule": { "CronExpression": "cron_for_creation_frequency", "Scripts": [{ "Stages": ["PRE" | "POST" | "PRE","POST"], "ExecutionHandlerService":"AWS_SYSTEMS_MANAGER", "ExecutionHandler":"ssm_document_name|arn", "ExecuteOperationOnScriptFailure":true|false, "ExecutionTimeout":timeout_in_seconds (10-120), "MaximumRetryCount":retries (0-3) }] }, "RetainRule": { "Count": retention_count } }] }