与 Amazon SDK或StartQuery一起使用 CLI - Amazon CloudWatch 日志
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与 Amazon SDK或StartQuery一起使用 CLI

以下代码示例演示如何使用 StartQuery


SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

/** * Wrapper for the StartQueryCommand. Uses a static query string * for consistency. * @param {[Date, Date]} dateRange * @param {number} maxLogs * @returns {Promise<{ queryId: string }>} */ async _startQuery([startDate, endDate], maxLogs = 10000) { try { return await this.client.send( new StartQueryCommand({ logGroupNames: this.logGroupNames, queryString: "fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp asc", startTime: startDate.valueOf(), endTime: endDate.valueOf(), limit: maxLogs, }), ); } catch (err) { /** @type {string} */ const message = err.message; if (message.startsWith("Query's end date and time")) { // This error indicates that the query's start or end date occur // before the log group was created. throw new DateOutOfBoundsError(message); } throw err; } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 StartQuery” 中的。

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

def perform_query(self, date_range): """ Performs the actual CloudWatch log query. :param date_range: A tuple representing the start and end datetime for the query. :type date_range: tuple :return: A list containing the query results. :rtype: list """ client = boto3.client("logs") try: try: start_time = round( self.date_utilities.convert_iso8601_to_unix_timestamp(date_range[0]) ) end_time = round( self.date_utilities.convert_iso8601_to_unix_timestamp(date_range[1]) ) response = client.start_query( logGroupName=self.log_groups, startTime=start_time, endTime=end_time, queryString="fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp asc", limit=self.limit, ) query_id = response["queryId"] except client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException as e: raise DateOutOfBoundsError(f"Resource not found: {e}") while True: time.sleep(1) results = client.get_query_results(queryId=query_id) if results["status"] in [ "Complete", "Failed", "Cancelled", "Timeout", "Unknown", ]: return results.get("results", []) except DateOutOfBoundsError: return [] def _initiate_query(self, client, date_range, max_logs): """ Initiates the CloudWatch logs query. :param date_range: A tuple representing the start and end datetime for the query. :type date_range: tuple :param max_logs: The maximum number of logs to retrieve. :type max_logs: int :return: The query ID as a string. :rtype: str """ try: start_time = round( self.date_utilities.convert_iso8601_to_unix_timestamp(date_range[0]) ) end_time = round( self.date_utilities.convert_iso8601_to_unix_timestamp(date_range[1]) ) response = client.start_query( logGroupName=self.log_groups, startTime=start_time, endTime=end_time, queryString="fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp asc", limit=max_logs, ) return response["queryId"] except client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException as e: raise DateOutOfBoundsError(f"Resource not found: {e}")
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅StartQuery中的 Amazon SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。

有关 Amazon SDK开发者指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅将 L CloudWatch ogs 与 Amazon SDK。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前SDK版本的详细信息。