OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 格式的 CloudWatch 指标流输出 - Amazon CloudWatch
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OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 格式的 CloudWatch 指标流输出


如果选择 OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 格式,指标属性会被编码为一个 KeyValue 对象列表,而不是 0.7.0 格式中使用的 StringKeyValue 类型。作为消费端,这是 0.7.0 和 1.0.0 格式之间的唯一重大变化。从 0.7.0 原型文件生成的解析器无法解析以 1.0.0 格式编码的指标属性。反之亦然,从 1.0.0 原型文件生成的解析器无法解析以 0.7.0 格式编码的指标属性。

OpenTelemetry 是工具、API 和软件开发工具包的集合。您可以使用它来测量、生成、收集及导出遥测数据(指标、日志和跟踪)以进行分析。OpenTelemetry 属于云原生计算基金会。有关更多信息,请参阅 OpenTelemetry

有关完整 OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 规范的信息,请参阅 Release version 1.0.0

一条 Kinesis 记录可以包含一个或多个 ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry 数据结构。每个数据结构都以一个带有指示记录长度(字节)的 UnsignedVarInt32 的标头开头。每个 ExportMetricsServiceRequest 可同时包含来自多个指标的数据。

以下是 ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry 数据结构形式的消息的字符串表示。OpenTelemetry 会序列化 Google Protocol Buffers 二进制协议,此协议人类不可读。

resource_metrics { resource { attributes { key: "cloud.provider" value { string_value: "aws" } } attributes { key: "" value { string_value: "123456789012" } } attributes { key: "cloud.region" value { string_value: "us-east-1" } } attributes { key: "aws.exporter.arn" value { string_value: "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:123456789012:metric-stream/MyMetricStream" } } } scope_metrics { metrics { name: "" unit: "NoneTranslated" summary { data_points { start_time_unix_nano: 60000000000 time_unix_nano: 120000000000 count: 1 sum: 1.0 quantile_values { value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.95 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.99 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 1.0 } attributes { key: "Namespace" value { string_value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } } attributes { key: "MetricName" value { string_value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } } attributes { key: "Dimensions" value { kvlist_value { values { key: "TableName" value { string_value: "MyTable" } } } } } } data_points { start_time_unix_nano: 70000000000 time_unix_nano: 130000000000 count: 2 sum: 5.0 quantile_values { value: 2.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 3.0 } attributes { key: "Namespace" value { string_value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } } attributes { key: "MetricName" value { string_value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } } attributes { key: "Dimensions" value { kvlist_value { values { key: "TableName" value { string_value: "MyTable" } } } } } } } } } }

用于序列化 OpenTelemetry 指标数据的顶级对象

ExportMetricsServiceRequest 是用于序列化 OpenTelemetry 导出器负载的顶级包装器。它包含一个或多个 ResourceMetrics

message ExportMetricsServiceRequest { // An array of ResourceMetrics. // For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one // element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive // data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and // in that case this array will contain multiple elements. repeated opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.ResourceMetrics resource_metrics = 1; }

ResourceMetrics 是表示 MetricData 对象的顶级对象。

// A collection of ScopeMetrics from a Resource. message ResourceMetrics { reserved 1000; // The resource for the metrics in this message. // If this field is not set then no resource info is known. opentelemetry.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from a resource. repeated ScopeMetrics scope_metrics = 2; // This schema_url applies to the data in the "resource" field. It does not apply // to the data in the "scope_metrics" field which have their own schema_url field. string schema_url = 3; }


Resource 对象是一个值对对象,其中包含有关生成指标的资源的一些信息。对于由 Amazon 创建的指标,数据结构包含与指标相关的资源的 Amazon Resource Name (ARN),例如 EC2 实例或 S3 存储桶。

Resource 对象包含名为 attributes 的属性,其会存储键值对列表。

  • 包含账户 ID

  • cloud.region 包含区域

  • aws.exporter.arn 包含指标流 ARN

  • cloud.provider 始终为 aws

// Resource information. message Resource { // Set of attributes that describe the resource. // Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one // attribute with the same key). repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 1; // dropped_attributes_count is the number of dropped attributes. If the value is 0, then // no attributes were dropped. uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 2; }

ScopeMetrics 对象

scope 字段将不会填充。我们仅填充正在导出的指标字段。

// A collection of Metrics produced by an Scope. message ScopeMetrics { // The instrumentation scope information for the metrics in this message. // Semantically when InstrumentationScope isn't set, it is equivalent with // an empty instrumentation scope name (unknown). opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.InstrumentationScope scope = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from an instrumentation library. repeated Metric metrics = 2; // This schema_url applies to all metrics in the "metrics" field. string schema_url = 3; }


指标对象包含一些元数据和一个 Summary 数据字段,该字段包含一个 SummaryDataPoint 列表。


message Metric { reserved 4, 6, 8; // name of the metric, including its DNS name prefix. It must be unique. string name = 1; // description of the metric, which can be used in documentation. string description = 2; // unit in which the metric value is reported. Follows the format // described by string unit = 3; // Data determines the aggregation type (if any) of the metric, what is the // reported value type for the data points, as well as the relatationship to // the time interval over which they are reported. oneof data { Gauge gauge = 5; Sum sum = 7; Histogram histogram = 9; ExponentialHistogram exponential_histogram = 10; Summary summary = 11; } } message Summary { repeated SummaryDataPoint data_points = 1; }

SummaryDataPoint 对象

SummaryDataPoint 对象包含 DoubleSummary 指标时间序列中单个数据点的值。

// SummaryDataPoint is a single data point in a timeseries that describes the // time-varying values of a Summary metric. message SummaryDataPoint { reserved 1; // The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from // where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements). // Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one // attribute with the same key). repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 7; // StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the // the detailed comments above Metric. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2; // TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3; // count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. fixed64 count = 4; // sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field // must be zero. // // Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete // events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events. // Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when // doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics, // see: double sum = 5; // Represents the value at a given quantile of a distribution. // // To record Min and Max values following conventions are used: // - The 1.0 quantile is equivalent to the maximum value observed. // - The 0.0 quantile is equivalent to the minimum value observed. // // See the following issue for more context: // message ValueAtQuantile { // The quantile of a distribution. Must be in the interval // [0.0, 1.0]. double quantile = 1; // The value at the given quantile of a distribution. // // Quantile values must NOT be negative. double value = 2; } // (Optional) list of values at different quantiles of the distribution calculated // from the current snapshot. The quantiles must be strictly increasing. repeated ValueAtQuantile quantile_values = 6; // Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags // for the available flags and their meaning. uint32 flags = 8; }

有关更多信息,请参阅 在 CloudWatch 中转换为 OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 格式