使用适用于 Java 的 ElastiCache 集群客户端 - 亚马逊 ElastiCache
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使用适用于 Java 的 ElastiCache 集群客户端

以下程序演示了如何使用 ElastiCache 集群客户端连接到集群配置终端节点并将数据项添加到缓存。借助 Auto Discovery,程序可在没有任何进一步干预的情况下连接至集群中的所有节点。

package com.amazon.elasticache; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; // Import the &AWS;-provided library with Auto Discovery support import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient; public class AutoDiscoveryDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String configEndpoint = "mycluster.fnjyzo.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com"; Integer clusterPort = 11211; MemcachedClient client = new MemcachedClient( new InetSocketAddress(configEndpoint, clusterPort)); // The client will connect to the other cache nodes automatically. // Store a data item for an hour. // The client will decide which cache host will store this item. client.set("theKey", 3600, "This is the data value"); } }