网络验证 - Amazon Relational Database Service
Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅 中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门 (PDF)


在将 RDS Custom 实例加入自托管式 AD 或Amazon Managed Microsoft AD 之前,请从与您计划启动 RDS Custom for SQL Server 实例所在的同一 VPC 中的 EC2 实例中检查以下内容。

  • 检查您能否将完全限定域名(FQDN)解析为域控制器 IP。



    Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Addresses: (DC1 IP) (DC2 IP)
  • 解析您要启动 RDS Custom 实例所在的同一 VPC 中的 EC2 实例中的 Amazon 服务:

    $region='input-your-aws-region' $domainFQDN='input-your-domainFQDN' function Test-DomainPorts { param ( [string]$Domain, [array]$Ports ) foreach ($portInfo in $Ports) { try { $conn = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $connectionResult = $conn.BeginConnect($Domain, $portInfo.Port, $null, $null) $success = $connectionResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000) # 1 second timeout if ($success) { $conn.EndConnect($connectionResult) $result = $true } else { $result = $false } } catch { $result = $false } finally { if ($null -ne $conn) { $conn.Close() } } Write-Host "$($portInfo.Description) port open: $result" } } # Check if ports can be reached $ports = @( @{Port = 53; Description = "DNS"}, @{Port = 88; Description = "Kerberos"}, @{Port = 389; Description = "LDAP"}, @{Port = 445; Description = "SMB"}, @{Port = 5985; Description = "WinRM"}, @{Port = 636; Description = "LDAPS"}, @{Port = 3268; Description = "Global Catalog"}, @{Port = 3269; Description = "Global Catalog over SSL"}, @{Port = 9389; Description = "AD DS"} ) function Test-DomainReachability { param ( [string]$DomainName ) try { $dnsResults = Resolve-DnsName -Name $DomainName -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Domain $DomainName is successfully resolving to following IP addresses: $($dnsResults.IpAddress)" Write-Host "" return $true } catch { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "Domain $DomainName reachability check failed, please Configure DNS resolution" return $false } } $domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain if ($domain -eq 'WORKGROUP') { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Host $env:computername is still part of WORKGROUP and not part of any domain" } else { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Host $env:computername is joined to $domain domain" Write-Host "" } $isReachable = Test-DomainReachability -DomainName $domainFQDN if ($isReachable) { write-Host "Checking if domain $domainFQDN is reachable on required ports " Test-DomainPorts -Domain $domainFQDN -Ports $ports } else { Write-Host "Port check skipped. Domain not reachable" } # Get network adapter configuration $networkConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.IPEnabled -eq $true } | Select-Object -First 1 # Check DNS server settings $dnsServers = $networkConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder if ($dnsServers) { Write-Host "`nDNS Server settings:" foreach ($server in $dnsServers) { Write-Host " - $server" } } else { Write-Host "`nNo DNS servers configured or unable to retrieve DNS server information." } write-host "" # Checks Reachability to AWS dependent Services $services = "s3", "ec2", "secretsmanager", "logs", "events", "monitoring", "ssm", "ec2messages", "ssmmessages" function Get-TcpConnectionAsync { param ( $ServicePrefix, $region ) $endpoint = "${ServicePrefix}.${region}" $tcp = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient $result = $false try { $connectTask = $tcp.ConnectAsync($endpoint, 443) $timedOut = $connectTask.Wait(3000) $result = $tcp.Connected } catch { $result = $false } return $result } foreach ($service in $services) { $validationResult = Get-TcpConnectionAsync -ServicePrefix $service -Region $region Write-Host "Reachability to $service is $validationResult" }

    对于 s3ec2secretsmanagerlogseventsmonitoringssmec2messagesssmmessagesTcpTestSucceeded 值必须返回 True