使用 Amazon 开发工具包管理 IAM 访问密钥 - Amazon Identity and Access Management
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使用 Amazon 开发工具包管理 IAM 访问密钥



为了避免安全风险,在开发专用软件或处理真实数据时,请勿使用 IAM 用户进行身份验证。而是使用与身份提供商的联合身份验证,例如 Amazon IAM Identity Center

  • 创建并列出访问密钥。

  • 了解上次使用访问密钥的时间和方式。

  • 更新和删除访问密钥。

SDK for Python(Boto3)

查看 GitHub,了解更多信息。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

创建包装 IAM 访问密钥操作的函数。

import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) iam = boto3.resource("iam") def list_keys(user_name): """ Lists the keys owned by the specified user. :param user_name: The name of the user. :return: The list of keys owned by the user. """ try: keys = list(iam.User(user_name).access_keys.all()) logger.info("Got %s access keys for %s.", len(keys), user_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get access keys for %s.", user_name) raise else: return keys def create_key(user_name): """ Creates an access key for the specified user. Each user can have a maximum of two keys. :param user_name: The name of the user. :return: The created access key. """ try: key_pair = iam.User(user_name).create_access_key_pair() logger.info( "Created access key pair for %s. Key ID is %s.", key_pair.user_name, key_pair.id, ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create access key pair for %s.", user_name) raise else: return key_pair def get_last_use(key_id): """ Gets information about when and how a key was last used. :param key_id: The ID of the key to look up. :return: Information about the key's last use. """ try: response = iam.meta.client.get_access_key_last_used(AccessKeyId=key_id) last_used_date = response["AccessKeyLastUsed"].get("LastUsedDate", None) last_service = response["AccessKeyLastUsed"].get("ServiceName", None) logger.info( "Key %s was last used by %s on %s to access %s.", key_id, response["UserName"], last_used_date, last_service, ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get last use of key %s.", key_id) raise else: return response def update_key(user_name, key_id, activate): """ Updates the status of a key. :param user_name: The user that owns the key. :param key_id: The ID of the key to update. :param activate: When True, the key is activated. Otherwise, the key is deactivated. """ try: key = iam.User(user_name).AccessKey(key_id) if activate: key.activate() else: key.deactivate() logger.info("%s key %s.", "Activated" if activate else "Deactivated", key_id) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't %s key %s.", "Activate" if activate else "Deactivate", key_id ) raise def delete_key(user_name, key_id): """ Deletes a user's access key. :param user_name: The user that owns the key. :param key_id: The ID of the key to delete. """ try: key = iam.AccessKey(user_name, key_id) key.delete() logger.info("Deleted access key %s for %s.", key.id, key.user_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't delete key %s for %s", key_id, user_name) raise


def usage_demo(): """Shows how to create and manage access keys.""" def print_keys(): """Gets and prints the current keys for a user.""" current_keys = list_keys(current_user_name) print("The current user's keys are now:") print(*[f"{key.id}: {key.status}" for key in current_keys], sep="\n") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the AWS Identity and Account Management access key demo.") print("-" * 88) current_user_name = iam.CurrentUser().user_name print( f"This demo creates an access key for the current user " f"({current_user_name}), manipulates the key in a few ways, and then " f"deletes it." ) all_keys = list_keys(current_user_name) if len(all_keys) == 2: print( "The current user already has the maximum of 2 access keys. To run " "this demo, either delete one of the access keys or use a user " "that has only 1 access key." ) else: new_key = create_key(current_user_name) print(f"Created a new key with id {new_key.id} and secret {new_key.secret}.") print_keys() existing_key = next(key for key in all_keys if key != new_key) last_use = get_last_use(existing_key.id)["AccessKeyLastUsed"] print( f"Key {all_keys[0].id} was last used to access {last_use['ServiceName']} " f"on {last_use['LastUsedDate']}" ) update_key(current_user_name, new_key.id, False) print(f"Key {new_key.id} is now deactivated.") print_keys() delete_key(current_user_name, new_key.id) print_keys() print("Thanks for watching!")

有关 Amazon SDK 开发人员指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅 将 IAM 与 Amazon 开发工具包配合使用。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前的 SDK 版本的详细信息。