Writing code - Amazon AppSync
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Writing code

Suppose you wanted to attach a pipeline resolver on a field named getPost(id:ID!) that returns a Post type from an Amazon DynamoDB data source with the following GraphQL query:

getPost(id:1){ id title content }

First, attach a simple resolver to Query.getPost with the code below. This is an example of simple resolver code. There is no logic defined in the request handler, and the response handler simply returns the result of the last function.

/** * Invoked **before** the request handler of the first AppSync function in the pipeline. * The resolver `request` handler allows to perform some preparation logic * before executing the defined functions in your pipeline. * @param ctx the context object holds contextual information about the function invocation. */ export function request(ctx) { return {} } /** * Invoked **after** the response handler of the last AppSync function in the pipeline. * The resolver `response` handler allows to perform some final evaluation logic * from the output of the last function to the expected GraphQL field type. * @param ctx the context object holds contextual information about the function invocation. */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.prev.result }

Next, define function GET_ITEM that retrieves a postitem from your data source:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils' import * as ddb from '@aws-appsync/utils/dynamodb' /** * Request a single item from the attached DynamoDB table datasource * @param ctx the context object holds contextual information about the function invocation. */ export function request(ctx) { const { id } = ctx.args return ddb.get({ key: { id } }) } /** * Returns the result * @param ctx the context object holds contextual information about the function invocation. */ export function response(ctx) { const { error, result } = ctx if (error) { return util.appendError(error.message, error.type, result) } return ctx.result }

If there is an error during the request, the function’s response handler appends an error that will be returned to the calling client in the GraphQL response. Add the GET_ITEM function to your resolver functions list. When you execute the query, the GET_ITEM function’s request handler uses the utils provided by Amazon AppSync's DynamoDB module to create a DynamoDBGetItem request using the id as the key. ddb.get({ key: { id } }) generates the appropriate GetItem operation:

{ "operation" : "GetItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "1" } } }

Amazon AppSync uses the request to fetch the data from Amazon DynamoDB. Once the data is returned, it is handled by the GET_ITEM function’s response handler, which checks for errors and then returns the result.

{ "result" : { "id": 1, "title": "hello world", "content": "<long story>" } }

Finally, the resolver’s response handler returns the result directly.

Working with errors

If an error occurs in your function during a request, the error will be made available in your function response handler in ctx.error. You can append the error to your GraphQL response using the util.appendError utility. You can make the error available to other functions in the pipeline by using the stash. See the example below:

/** * Returns the result * @param ctx the context object holds contextual information about the function invocation. */ export function response(ctx) { const { error, result } = ctx; if (error) { if (!ctx.stash.errors) ctx.stash.errors = [] ctx.stash.errors.push(ctx.error) return util.appendError(error.message, error.type, result); } return ctx.result; }