Application Auto Scaling 的 Amazon Health Dashboard 通知 - Application Auto Scaling
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Application Auto Scaling 的 Amazon Health Dashboard 通知

为帮助您管理失败的扩缩事件,Amazon Health Dashboard 为 Application Auto Scaling 发出的通知提供支持。当前只有特定于您的 DynamoDB 资源的横向扩展事件可用。

Amazon Health Dashboard 是 Amazon Health 服务的一部分。它不需要设置,您的账户中通过身份验证的任何用户都可以查看。有关更多信息,请参阅 Amazon Health Dashboard 入门

如果您的 DynamoDB 资源由于 DynamoDB 服务配额限制而未横向扩展,您将收到类似于以下内容的消息。如果您收到此消息,则应将其视为采取措施的警报。


  A scaling action has attempted to scale out your DynamoDB resources in the
  eu-west-1 region. This operation has been prevented because it would have exceeded a
  table-level write throughput limit (Provisioned mode). This limit restricts the
  provisioned write capacity of the table and all of its associated global secondary
  indexes. To address the issue, refer to the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide for
  current limits and how to request higher limits [1].

  To identify your DynamoDB resources that are impacted, use the 
  describe-scaling-activities command or the DescribeScalingActivities operation [2][3].
  Look for a scaling activity with StatusCode "Failed" and a StatusMessage similar to
  "Failed to set write capacity units to 45000. Reason: The requested WriteCapacityUnits,
  45000, is above the per table maximum for the account in eu-west-1. Per table maximum:
  40000." You can also view these scaling activities from the Capacity tab of your tables 
  in the Amazon Web Services Management Console for DynamoDB. 

  We strongly recommend that you address this issue to ensure that your tables
  are prepared to handle increases in traffic. This notification is sent only once in 
  each 12 hour period, even if another failed scaling action occurs. 

  Amazon Web Services