Understanding the CloudTrail Lake event schema - Amazon CloudTrail
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Understanding the CloudTrail Lake event schema

The tables in this section describe the required and optional schema elements that match those in CloudTrail event records. The contents of eventData are provided by customer events; other fields are provided by CloudTrail after customer events are ingested.

The following fields are provided by CloudTrail after ingestion:

Field name Input type Requirement Description
eventVersion string Required

The event version.

eventCategory string Required

The event category. For non-Amazon events, the value is ActivityAuditLog.

eventType string Required

The event type. For non-Amazon events, the valid value is ActivityLog.

eventID string Required A unique ID for an event.



Event timestamp, in yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

awsRegion string Required

The Amazon Web Services Region where the PutAuditEvents call was made.

recipientAccountId string Required

Represents the account ID that received this event. CloudTrail populates this field by calculating it from event payload.




Shows information about why event processing was delayed. If information was missing from an existing event, the addendum block includes the missing information and a reason for why it was missing.

  • reason

string Optional

The reason that the event or some of its contents were missing.

  • updatedFields

string Optional

The event record fields that are updated by the addendum. This is only provided if the reason is UPDATED_DATA.

  • originalUID

string Optional

The original event UID from the source. This is only provided if the reason is UPDATED_DATA.

  • originalEventID

string Optional

The original event ID. This is only provided if the reason is UPDATED_DATA.




Information about the channel that the event used.

  • ingestionTime

string Required

The timestamp when the event was processed, in yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • channelARN

string Required

The ARN of the channel that the event used.

The following fields are provided by customer events:

Field name Input type Requirement Description


Required The audit data sent to CloudTrail in a PutAuditEvents call.
  • version

string Required

The version of the event from its source.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 256.

  • userIdentity



Information about the user who made a request.

    • type



The type of user identity.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 128.

    • principalId



A unique identifier for the actor of the event.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 1024.

    • details

JSON object


Additional information about the identity.

  • userAgent



The agent through which the request was made.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 1024.

  • eventSource



This is the partner event source, or the custom application about which events are logged.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 1024.

  • eventName



The requested action, one of the actions in the API for the source service or application.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 1024.

  • eventTime



Event timestamp, in yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • UID

string Required

The UID value that identifies the request. The service or application that is called generates this value.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 1024.

  • requestParameters

JSON object


The parameters, if any, that were sent with the request. This field has a maximum size of 100 kB, and content exceeding the limit is rejected.

  • responseElements

JSON object


The response element for actions that make changes (create, update, or delete actions). This field has a maximum size of 100 kB, and content exceeding the limit is rejected.

  • errorCode

string Optional

A string representing an error for the event.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 256.

  • errorMessage

string Optional

The description of the error.

Length constraints: Maximum length of 256.

  • sourceIPAddress



The IP address from which the request was made. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are accepted.

  • recipientAccountId

string Required

Represents the account ID that received this event. The account ID must be the same as the Amazon account ID that owns the channel.

  • additionalEventData

JSON object


Additional data about the event that was not part of the request or response. This field has a maximum size of 28 kB, and content exceeding that limit is rejected.

The following example shows the hierarchy of schema elements that match those in CloudTrail event records.

{ "eventVersion": String, "eventCategory": String, "eventType": String, "eventID": String, "eventTime": String, "awsRegion": String, "recipientAccountId": String, "addendum": { "reason": String, "updatedFields": String, "originalUID": String, "originalEventID": String }, "metadata" : { "ingestionTime": String, "channelARN": String }, "eventData": { "version": String, "userIdentity": { "type": String, "principalId": String, "details": { JSON } }, "userAgent": String, "eventSource": String, "eventName": String, "eventTime": String, "UID": String, "requestParameters": { JSON }, "responseElements": { JSON }, "errorCode": String, "errorMessage": String, "sourceIPAddress": String, "recipientAccountId": String, "additionalEventData": { JSON } } }