将应用程序规范文件添加到修订版中 CodeDeploy
本主题介绍如何向部署中添加 AppSpec 文件。它还包括用于为 Amazon Lambda 和 EC2/本地部署创建 AppSpec 文件的模板。
为 Amazon ECS 部署添加 AppSpec 文件
对于向 Amazon ECS 计算平台进行的部署:
该 AppSpec 文件指定了用于部署的 Amazon ECS 任务定义、用于路由流量的容器名称和端口映射,以及部署生命周期事件之后运行的可选 Lambda 函数。
修订版与 AppSpec 文件相同。
可以使用 JSON 或 YAML 写入 AppSpec 文件。
创建部署时,可以将文件另存为文本文件或直接输入到控制台中。 AppSpec 有关更多信息,请参阅 创建 Amazon ECS 计算平台部署(控制台)。
创建 AppSpec 文件
将 JSON 或 YAML 模板复制到文本编辑器或控制台的 AppSpec 编辑器中。
使用 JSON 或 YAML 验证器来验证您的文件。 AppSpec 如果您使用 AppSpec编辑器,则在选择 “创建部署” 时会对文件进行验证。
如果您使用文本编辑器,请保存该文件。如果您使用创建部署, Amazon CLI 请引用该文件(如果该 AppSpec 文件位于您的硬盘或 Amazon S3 存储桶中)。如果您使用控制台,则必须将 AppSpec 文件推送到 Amazon S3。
带说明的 Amazon ECS 部署的 YAML AppSpec 文件模板
以下是 Amazon ECS 部署 AppSpec 文件的 YAML 模板,其中包含所有可用选项。有关在 hooks
部分中使用的生命周期事件的信息,请参阅AppSpec Amazon ECS 部署的 “挂钩” 部分。
# This is an appspec.yml template file for use with an Amazon ECS deployment in CodeDeploy. # The lines in this template that start with the hashtag are # comments that can be safely left in the file or # ignored. # For help completing this file, see the "AppSpec File Reference" in the # "CodeDeploy User Guide" at # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/userguide/app-spec-ref.html version: 0.0 # In the Resources section, you must specify the following: the Amazon ECS service, task definition name, # and the name and port of the load balancer to route traffic, # target version, and (optional) the current version of your Amazon Lambda function. Resources: - TargetService: Type: AWS::ECS::Service Properties: TaskDefinition: "" # Specify the ARN of your task definition (arn:aws:ecs:region:account-id:task-definition/task-definition-family-name:task-definition-revision-number) LoadBalancerInfo: ContainerName: "" # Specify the name of your Amazon ECS application's container ContainerPort: "" # Specify the port for your container where traffic reroutes # Optional properties PlatformVersion: "" # Specify the version of your Amazon ECS Service NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: Subnets: ["",""] # Specify one or more comma-separated subnets in your Amazon ECS service SecurityGroups: ["",""] # Specify one or more comma-separated security groups in your Amazon ECS service AssignPublicIp: "" # Specify "ENABLED" or "DISABLED" # (Optional) In the Hooks section, specify a validation Lambda function to run during # a lifecycle event. Hooks: # Hooks for Amazon ECS deployments are: - BeforeInstall: "" # Specify a Lambda function name or ARN - AfterInstall: "" # Specify a Lambda function name or ARN - AfterAllowTestTraffic: "" # Specify a Lambda function name or ARN - BeforeAllowTraffic: "" # Specify a Lambda function name or ARN - AfterAllowTraffic: "" # Specify a Lambda function name or ARN
亚马逊 ECS 部署模板的 JSON AppSpec 文件
以下是 Amazon ECS 部署 AppSpec 文件的 JSON 模板,其中包含所有可用选项。有关模板说明,请参阅上一部分中 YAML 版本中的注释。有关在 hooks
部分中使用的生命周期事件的信息,请参阅AppSpec Amazon ECS 部署的 “挂钩” 部分。
{ "version": 0.0, "Resources": [ { "TargetService": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Service", "Properties": { "TaskDefinition": "", "LoadBalancerInfo": { "ContainerName": "", "ContainerPort": }, "PlatformVersion": "", "NetworkConfiguration": { "AwsvpcConfiguration": { "Subnets": [ "", "" ], "SecurityGroups": [ "", "" ], "AssignPublicIp": "" } } } } } ], "Hooks": [ { "BeforeInstall": "" }, { "AfterInstall": "" }, { "AfterAllowTestTraffic": "" }, { "BeforeAllowTraffic": "" }, { "AfterAllowTraffic": "" } ] }
为 Amazon Lambda 部署添加 AppSpec 文件
要部署到 Amazon Lambda 计算平台,请执行以下操作:
该 AppSpec 文件包含有关要部署和用于部署验证的 Lambda 函数的说明。
修订版与 AppSpec 文件相同。
可以使用 JSON 或 YAML 写入 AppSpec 文件。
创建部署时,可以将文件另存为文本文件或直接输入到控制台 AppSpec 编辑器中。 AppSpec 有关更多信息,请参阅 创建 Amazon Lambda 计算平台部署(控制台)。
要创建 AppSpec 文件,请执行以下操作:
将 JSON 或 YAML 模板复制到文本编辑器或控制台的 AppSpec 编辑器中。
使用 JSON 或 YAML 验证器来验证您的文件。 AppSpec 如果您使用 AppSpec编辑器,则在选择 “创建部署” 时会对文件进行验证。
如果您使用文本编辑器,请保存该文件。如果您使用创建部署, Amazon CLI 请引用该文件(如果该 AppSpec 文件位于您的硬盘或 Amazon S3 存储桶中)。如果您使用控制台,则必须将 AppSpec 文件推送到 Amazon S3。
带有说明的 Amazon Lambda 部署的 YAML AppSpec 文件模板
有关在 hooks 部分中使用的生命周期事件的信息,请参阅AppSpec Amazon Lambda 部署的 “挂钩” 部分。
# This is an appspec.yml template file for use with an Amazon Lambda deployment in CodeDeploy. # The lines in this template starting with the hashtag symbol are # instructional comments and can be safely left in the file or # ignored. # For help completing this file, see the "AppSpec File Reference" in the # "CodeDeploy User Guide" at # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/userguide/app-spec-ref.html version: 0.0 # In the Resources section specify the name, alias, # target version, and (optional) the current version of your Amazon Lambda function. Resources: - MyFunction: # Replace "MyFunction" with the name of your Lambda function Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: Name: "" # Specify the name of your Lambda function Alias: "" # Specify the alias for your Lambda function CurrentVersion: "" # Specify the current version of your Lambda function TargetVersion: "" # Specify the version of your Lambda function to deploy # (Optional) In the Hooks section, specify a validation Lambda function to run during # a lifecycle event. Replace "LifeCycleEvent" with BeforeAllowTraffic # or AfterAllowTraffic. Hooks: - LifeCycleEvent: "" # Specify a Lambda validation function between double-quotes.
Amazon Lambda 部署模板 AppSpec 的 JSON 文件
在以下模板中,将 “MyFunction” 替换为您的 Amazon Lambda 函数名称。在可选的 Hooks 部分中,将生命周期事件替换为 BeforeAllowTraffic 或 AfterAllowTraffic。
有关在 Hooks 部分中使用的生命周期事件的信息,请参阅AppSpec Amazon Lambda 部署的 “挂钩” 部分。
{ "version": 0.0, "Resources": [{ "MyFunction": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "Name": "", "Alias": "", "CurrentVersion": "", "TargetVersion": "" } } }], "Hooks": [{ "LifeCycleEvent": "" } ] }
为 EC2/本地部署添加 AppSpec 文件
如果没有 AppSpec 文件, CodeDeploy 则无法将应用程序修订版中的源文件映射到其目的地,也无法运行脚本以部署到 EC2/本地计算平台。
每个修订版只能包含一个 AppSpec 文件。
要向修订版中添加 AppSpec 文件,请执行以下操作:
使用 YAML 验证器检查文件的有效性。 AppSpec
。 -
运行以下命令之一,验证是否已将 AppSpec 文件放在根目录中:
对于 Linux、macOS 或 Unix:
-name appspec.yml如果在那里找不到 AppSpec 文件,则不会有输出。
对于 Windows:
appspec.yml如果文件未存储在那里,则会显示 “找不到 AppSpec 文件” 错误。
将修订版推送到 Amazon S3 或 GitHub。
AppSpec 带说明的 EC2/本地部署的文件模板
部署到 Windows Server 实例不支持 runas
元素。如果您要部署到 Windows 服务器实例,请不要将其包含在 AppSpec 文件中。
# This is an appspec.yml template file for use with an EC2/On-Premises deployment in CodeDeploy. # The lines in this template starting with the hashtag symbol are # instructional comments and can be safely left in the file or # ignored. # For help completing this file, see the "AppSpec File Reference" in the # "CodeDeploy User Guide" at # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/userguide/app-spec-ref.html version: 0.0 # Specify "os: linux" if this revision targets Amazon Linux, # Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), or Ubuntu Server # instances. # Specify "os: windows" if this revision targets Windows Server instances. # (You cannot specify both "os: linux" and "os: windows".) os: linux # os: windows # During the Install deployment lifecycle event (which occurs between the # BeforeInstall and AfterInstall events), copy the specified files # in "source" starting from the root of the revision's file bundle # to "destination" on the Amazon EC2 instance. # Specify multiple "source" and "destination" pairs if you want to copy # from multiple sources or to multiple destinations. # If you are not copying any files to the Amazon EC2 instance, then remove the # "files" section altogether. A blank or incomplete "files" section # may cause associated deployments to fail. files: - source: destination: - source: destination: # For deployments to Amazon Linux, Ubuntu Server, or RHEL instances, # you can specify a "permissions" # section here that describes special permissions to apply to the files # in the "files" section as they are being copied over to # the Amazon EC2 instance. # For more information, see the documentation. # If you are deploying to Windows Server instances, # then remove the # "permissions" section altogether. A blank or incomplete "permissions" # section may cause associated deployments to fail. permissions: - object: pattern: except: owner: group: mode: acls: - context: user: type: range: type: - # If you are not running any commands on the Amazon EC2 instance, then remove # the "hooks" section altogether. A blank or incomplete "hooks" section # may cause associated deployments to fail. hooks: # For each deployment lifecycle event, specify multiple "location" entries # if you want to run multiple scripts during that event. # You can specify "timeout" as the number of seconds to wait until failing the deployment # if the specified scripts do not run within the specified time limit for the # specified event. For example, 900 seconds is 15 minutes. If not specified, # the default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). # Note that the maximum amount of time that all scripts must finish executing # for each individual deployment lifecycle event is 3600 seconds (1 hour). # Otherwise, the deployment will stop and CodeDeploy will consider the deployment # to have failed to the Amazon EC2 instance. Make sure that the total number of seconds # that are specified in "timeout" for all scripts in each individual deployment # lifecycle event does not exceed a combined 3600 seconds (1 hour). # For deployments to Amazon Linux, Ubuntu Server, or RHEL instances, # you can specify "runas" in an event to # run as the specified user. For more information, see the documentation. # If you are deploying to Windows Server instances, # remove "runas" altogether. # If you do not want to run any commands during a particular deployment # lifecycle event, remove that event declaration altogether. Blank or # incomplete event declarations may cause associated deployments to fail. # During the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event, run the commands # in the script specified in "location" starting from the root of the # revision's file bundle. ApplicationStop: - location: timeout: runas: - location: timeout: runas: # During the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event, run the commands # in the script specified in "location". BeforeInstall: - location: timeout: runas: - location: timeout: runas: # During the AfterInstall deployment lifecycle event, run the commands # in the script specified in "location". AfterInstall: - location: timeout: runas: - location: timeout: runas: # During the ApplicationStart deployment lifecycle event, run the commands # in the script specified in "location". ApplicationStart: - location: timeout: runas: - location: timeout: runas: # During the ValidateService deployment lifecycle event, run the commands # in the script specified in "location". ValidateService: - location: timeout: runas: - location: timeout: runas: