TokenValidityUnitsType - Amazon Cognito User Pools
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The time units that, with IdTokenValidity, AccessTokenValidity, and RefreshTokenValidity, set and display the duration of ID, access, and refresh tokens for an app client. You can assign a separate token validity unit to each type of token.

This data type is a request parameter of CreateUserPoolClient and UpdateUserPoolClient, and a response parameter of DescribeUserPoolClient.



A time unit for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

Type: String

Valid Values: seconds | minutes | hours | days

Required: No


A time unit for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

Type: String

Valid Values: seconds | minutes | hours | days

Required: No


A time unit for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.

Type: String

Valid Values: seconds | minutes | hours | days

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: