Amazon Config的关系查询示例 - Amazon Config
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Amazon Config的关系查询示例


Find EIPs related to an EC2 instance
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::EIP' AND relationships.resourceId = 'i-abcd1234'
Find EIPs related to an EC2 network interface
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::EIP' AND relationships.resourceId = 'eni-abcd1234'
Find EC2 instances and network interfaces related to a security group
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType IN ('AWS::EC2::Instance', 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface') AND relationships.resourceId = 'sg-abcd1234'

SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::Instance' AND relationships.resourceId = 'sg-abcd1234' SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface' AND relationships.resourceId = 'sg-abcd1234'
Find EC2 instances, network ACLs, network interfaces and route tables related to a subnet
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType IN ('AWS::EC2::Instance', 'AWS::EC2::NetworkACL', 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface', 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable') AND relationships.resourceId = 'subnet-abcd1234'
Find EC2 instances, internet gateways, network ACLs, network interfaces, route tables, subnets and security groups related to a VPC
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType IN ('AWS::EC2::Instance', 'AWS::EC2::InternetGateway', 'AWS::EC2::NetworkACL', 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface', 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable', 'AWS::EC2::Subnet', 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup') AND relationships.resourceId = 'vpc-abcd1234'
Find EC2 route tables related to a VPN gateway
SELECT resourceId WHERE resourceType = 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable' AND relationships.resourceId = 'vgw-abcd1234'