删除您的配置记录器 - Amazon Config
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必须使用删除 Amazon CLI 客户管理的配置记录器。您可以使用 Amazon Config 控制台或删除 Amazon CLI 与服务相关的配置记录器。

To delete the customer managed configuration recorder (CLI)

使用 delete-configuration-recorder 命令:

$ aws configservice delete-configuration-recorder --configuration-recorder-name default
To delete a service-linked configuration recorder (Console)
  1. 登录 Amazon Web Services Management Console 并打开 Amazon Config 控制台,网址为https://console.aws.amazon.com/config/

  2. 在导航窗格中,选择设置

  3. 在 “服务关联录像机” 选项卡上,在 “服务关联录像机” 选项卡上选择与服务相关的配置记录器,然后选择 “删除”。系统提示时,选择删除

To delete a service-linked configuration recorder (CLI)

使用 delete-service-linked-configuration-recorder 命令:


$ aws configservice delete-service-linked-configuration-recorder --service-principal "The service principal of the Amazon Web Services 服务 for the service-linked configuration recorder that you want to delete"