获取帮助 - NICE DCV Session Manager
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在使用 DCV SM 命令行界面 (DCV SM CLI) 时,您可以获得任何命令的帮助。为此,只需在命令名称末尾键入 --help

例如,以下命令显示常规 DCV SM CLI 选项和可用顶级命令的帮助。

dcvsm --help

以下示例显示 CLI 帮助输出。

Usage: dcvsm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... NICE DCV Session Manager CLI Options: --conf TEXT Name of the configuration file to read the configuration parameters --broker-url TEXT The URL of the broker --debug Specify to enable the debug mode. By default is disabled --no-verify-ssl Specify to disable the verification of SSL certification. By default is enabled --output-format TEXT Specify the format of the output --ca-bundle TEXT Specifies the path to a custom certificate bundle (a file with a .pem extension) of CA to use when establishing SSL/TLS connections --auth-server TEXT URL of the authentication server used to request the token --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: close-servers Closes one or more NICE DCV server create-session Creates a new NICE DCV session delete-session Deletes the specified NICE DCV session describe-servers Describes one or more NICE DCV servers describe-sessions Describes one or more NICE DCV sessions get-session-connection-data Gets connection data for a specific NICE DCV session. get-session-screenshots Gets screenshots of one or more NICE DCV sessions. open-servers Opens one or more NICE DCV servers update-session-permissions Updates the user permissions for a specific NICE DCV session.

所有命令都接受 --help 以获取上下文帮助信息。例如,以下命令显示 create-session 命令的帮助。

dcvsm create-session --help

以下示例显示 create-session --help 命令的输出。

Usage: dcvsm create-session [OPTIONS] Create sessions API Options: --name TEXT The name for the session [required] --owner TEXT The name of the session owner [required] --type TEXT Session type: CONSOLE|VIRTUAL [required] --init-file-path TEXT Supported with virtual sessions on Linux NICE DCV servers --autorun-file TEXT The path to a file on the host server that is to be run inside the session --autorun-file-arguments TEXT Command-line arguments passed to AutorunFile upon its execution inside the session --max-concurrent-clients INTEGER RANGE The maximum number of concurrent NICE DCV clients, if provided must be between 1 and 100 [1<=x<=100] --dcv-gl-enabled Indicates whether the virtual session is configured to use hardware-based OpenGL. Specify to enable it, by default is disabled --permissions-file TEXT The Base64-encoded contents of the permissions file --requirements TEXT The requirements that the server must satisfy in order to place the session --storage-root TEXT Specifies the path to the folder used for session storage -h, --help Show this message and exit.

NICE DCV SM CLI 命令参考还包含所有 NICE DCV SM CLI 命令的帮助内容。NICE DCV SM CLI 中的所有命令对应于对 Broker 的 API 发出的请求。每个 API 具有一个 API 参考,可以在《NICE DCV Session Manager 开发人员指南》的相应小节中找到该参考。