DescribeInstancesHealth - Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
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Retrieves detailed information about the health of instances in your Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environments. This operation requires enhanced health reporting.

This action only returns information about environments that the calling principle has IAM permissions to access. For example, consider a case where a user only has permission to access one of three environments. When the user calls this action, the response will only include the one environment that the user has permission to access instead of all three environments. If the user doesn’t have access to any of the environments an empty result is returned.


The AWSElasticBeanstalkReadOnly managed policy allows operators to view information about resources related to Elastic Beanstalk environments. For more information, see Managing Elastic Beanstalk user policies in the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide. For detailed instructions to attach a policy to a user or group, see the section Controlling access with managed policies in the same topic.

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.


Specifies the response elements you wish to receive. To retrieve all attributes, set to All. If no attribute names are specified, returns a list of instances.

Type: Array of strings

Valid Values: HealthStatus | Color | Causes | ApplicationMetrics | RefreshedAt | LaunchedAt | System | Deployment | AvailabilityZone | InstanceType | All

Required: No


Specify the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environment by ID.

Type: String

Required: No


Specify the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environment by name.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 4. Maximum length of 40.

Required: No


Specify the pagination token returned by a previous call.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.

Required: No

Response Elements

The following elements are returned by the service.


Detailed health information about each instance.

The output differs slightly between Linux and Windows environments. There is a difference in the members that are supported under the <CPUUtilization> type.

Type: Array of SingleInstanceHealth objects


Pagination token for the next page of results, if available.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.


The date and time that the health information was retrieved.

Type: Timestamp


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


A generic service exception has occurred.

HTTP Status Code: 400


One or more input parameters is not valid. Please correct the input parameters and try the operation again.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Request a single instance health attribute

This example illustrates one usage of DescribeInstancesHealth.

DescribeInstancesHealth {"EnvironmentName":"test-1","AttributeNames":["HealthStatus"]} <DescribeInstancesHealthResponse xmlns=''> <DescribeInstancesHealthResult> <InstanceHealthList> <member> <HealthStatus>Degraded</HealthStatus> <InstanceId>i-dc6ee922</InstanceId> </member> </InstanceHealthList> </DescribeInstancesHealthResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>94808e26-3a47-11e5-94eb-3d0f44fb8967</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </DescribeInstancesHealthResponse>

Request all instance health attributes for a Linux environment

This example shows the output for a Linux environment.

DescribeInstancesHealth {"EnvironmentName":"test-1","AttributeNames":["All"]} <DescribeInstancesHealthResponse xmlns=''> <DescribeInstancesHealthResult> <InstanceHealthList> <member> <HealthStatus>Degraded</HealthStatus> <System> <CPUUtilization> <Idle>6.9</Idle> <System>46.2</System> <Privileged>null</Privileged> <SoftIRQ>0.6</SoftIRQ> <Nice>0.0</Nice> <IOWait>0.1</IOWait> <User>46.2</User> <IRQ>0.0</IRQ> </CPUUtilization> <LoadAverage> <member>3.81</member> <member>2.11</member> <member>0.93</member> </LoadAverage> </System> <LaunchedAt>2015-07-17T07:58:58Z</LaunchedAt> <Color>Red</Color> <InstanceId>i-dc6ee922</InstanceId> <ApplicationMetrics> <Duration>10</Duration> <StatusCodes> <Status5xx>843</Status5xx> <Status4xx>0</Status4xx> <Status3xx>0</Status3xx> <Status2xx>3391</Status2xx> </StatusCodes> <Latency> <P90>0.002</P90> <P999>1.367</P999> <P99>0.003</P99> <P85>0.002</P85> <P50>0.001</P50> <P75>0.001</P75> <P95>0.002</P95> <P10>0.0</P10> </Latency> <RequestCount>4234</RequestCount> </ApplicationMetrics> <Causes> <member>19.9 % of the requests are failing with HTTP 5xx.</member> <member>93 % of CPU is in use.</member> </Causes> </member> </InstanceHealthList> <RefreshedAt>2015-08-04T01:24:34Z</RefreshedAt> </DescribeInstancesHealthResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>94a07242-3a47-11e5-91c3-1f9989a744d4</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </DescribeInstancesHealthResponse>

Request all instance health attributes for a Windows environment

In a Windows environment, there are different supported members in the <CPUUtilization> type:

... <CPUUtilization> <Idle>9.6</Idle> <System>null</System> <Privileged>45.2</Privileged> <SoftIRQ>null</SoftIRQ> <Nice>null</Nice> <IOWait>null</IOWait> <User>45.2</User> <IRQ>null</IRQ> </CPUUtilization> ...

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: