Creating query-based groups in Amazon Resource Groups - Amazon Resource Groups
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Creating query-based groups in Amazon Resource Groups

Types of resource group queries

In Amazon Resource Groups, a query is the foundation of a query-based group. You can base a resource group on one of two types of queries.


Tag-based queries include lists of resource types that are specified in the following format AWS::service::resource, and tags. Tags are keys that help identify and sort your resources in your organization. Optionally, tags include values for keys.

For a tag-based query, you also specify the tags that are shared by the resources that you want to be members of the group. For example, if you want to create a resource group that has all of the Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon S3 buckets that you are using to run the testing stage of an application, and you have instances and buckets that are tagged this way, choose the AWS::EC2::Instance and AWS::S3::Bucket resource types from the drop-down list, and then specify the tag key Stage, with a tag value of Test.

The syntax of the ResourceQuery parameter of a tag-based resource group contains the following elements:

  • Type

    This element indicates which kind of query defines this resource group. To create a tag-based resource group, specify the value TAG_FILTERS_1_0, as follows:

    "Type": "TAG_FILTERS_1_0"
  • Query

    This element defines the actual query used to match against resources. It contains a string representation of a JSON structure with the following elements:

    • ResourceTypeFilters

      This element limits the results to only those resource types that match the filter. You can specify the following values:

      • "AWS::AllSupported" – to specify that the results can include resources of any type that match the query and that are currently supported by the Resource Groups service.

      • "AWS::service-id::resource-type – a comma separated list of resource-type specification strings with this format: , such as "AWS::EC2::Instance".

    • TagFilters

      This element specifies key/value string pairs that are compared to the tags attached to your resources. Those with a tag key and value that match the filter are included in the group. Each filter consists of these elements:

      • "Key" – a string with a key name. Only resources that have tags with a matching key name match the filter and are members of the group.

      • "Values" – a string with a comma separated list of values for the specified key. Only resources with a matching tag key and a value that matches one in this list are members of the group.

All of these JSON elements must be combined into a single-line string representation of the JSON structure. For example, consider a Query with the following example JSON structure. This query is meant to match only Amazon EC2 instances that have a tag "Stage" with a value "Test".

{ "ResourceTypeFilters": [ "AWS::EC2::Instance" ], "TagFilters": [ { "Key": "Stage", "Values": [ "Test" ] } ] }

That JSON can be represented as the following single-line string, and used as the value of the Query element. Because the value of a JSON structure must be a double-quoted string, you must escape any embedded double-quote characters or forward slash characters by preceding each with a backslash as shown here:


The complete ResourceQuery string is then represented as shown here, as a CLI command parameter:

--resource-query '{"Type":"TAG_FILTERS_1_0","Query":"{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::AllSupported\"],\"TagFilters\":[{\"Key\":\"Stage\",\"Values\":[\"Test\"]}]}"}'
Amazon CloudFormation stack-based

In an Amazon CloudFormation stack-based query, you choose an Amazon CloudFormation stack in your account in the current region, and then choose resource types in the stack that you want to be in the group. You can base your query on only one Amazon CloudFormation stack.


An Amazon CloudFormation stack can contain other Amazon CloudFormation "child" stacks. However, a resource group based on a "parent" stack doesn't get all of the child stacks' resources as group members. Resource groups adds the child stacks to the parent stack's resource group as single group members and doesn't expand them.

Resource Groups supports queries based on Amazon CloudFormation stacks that have one of the following statuses.







Only resources that are directly created as part of the stack in the query are included in the resource group. Resources created later by members of the Amazon CloudFormation stack do not become members of the group. For example, if an auto-scaling group is created by Amazon CloudFormation as part of the stack, then that auto-scaling group is a member of the group. However, an Amazon EC2 instance created by that auto-scaling group as part of its operation is not a member of the Amazon CloudFormation stack-based resource group.

If you create a group based on an Amazon CloudFormation stack, and the stack's status changes to one that is no longer supported as a basis for a group query, such as DELETE_COMPLETE, the resource group still exists, but it has no member resources.

After you create a resource group, you can perform tasks on the resources in the group.

The syntax of the ResourceQuery parameter of a CloudFormation stack-based resource group contains the following elements:

  • Type

    This element indicates which kind of query defines this resource group.

    To create a Amazon CloudFormation stack-based resource group, specify the value CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0, as follows:

  • Query

    This element defines the actual query used to match against resources. It contains a string representation of a JSON structure with the following elements:

    • ResourceTypeFilters

      This element limits the results to only those resource types that match the filter. You can specify the following values:

      • "AWS::AllSupported" – to specify that the results can include resources of any type that match the query.

      • "AWS::service-id::resource-type – a comma separated list of resource-type specification strings with this format: , such as "AWS::EC2::Instance".

    • StackIdentifier

      This element specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon CloudFormation stack whose resources you want to include in the group.

All of these JSON elements must be combined into a single-line string representation of the JSON structure. For example, consider a Query with the following example JSON structure. This query is meant to match only Amazon S3 buckets that are part of the specified Amazon CloudFormation stack.

{ "ResourceTypeFilters": [ "AWS::S3::Bucket" ], "StackIdentifier": "arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/MyCloudFormationStackName/fb0d5000-aba8-00e8-aa9e-50d5cEXAMPLE" }

That JSON can be represented as the following single-line string, and used as the value of the Query element. Because the value of a JSON structure must be a double-quoted string, you must escape any embedded double-quote characters or forward slash characters by preceding each with a backslash as shown here:


The complete ResourceQuery string is then represented as shown here, as a CLI command parameter:

--resource-query '{"Type":"CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0","Query":"{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::S3::Bucket\"],\"StackIdentifier\":\"arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack\/MyCloudFormationStackName\/fb0d5000-aba8-00e8-aa9e-50d5cEXAMPLE\"}'

Build a tag-based query and create a group

The following procedures show you how to build a tag-based query and use it to create a resource group.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Resource Groups console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Create Resource Group.

  3. On the Create query-based group page, under Group type, choose the Tag based group type.

  4. Under Grouping criteria, choose the resource types that you want to be in your resource group. You can have a maximum of 20 resource types in a query. For this walkthrough, choose AWS::EC2::Instance and AWS::S3::Bucket.

  5. Still under Grouping criteria, for Tags, specify a tag key, or a tag key and value pair, to limit the matching resources to include only those that are tagged with your specified values. Choose Add or press Enter when you've finished your tag. In this example, filter for resources that have a tag key of Stage. The tag value is optional, but narrows the results of the query further. You can add multiple values for a tag key by adding an OR operator between tag values. To add more tags, choose Add. Queries assign an AND operator to tags, so any resource that matches the specified resource types and all specified tags is returned by the query.

  6. Still under Grouping criteria, choose Preview group resources to return the list of EC2 instances and S3 buckets in your account that match the specified tag key or keys.

  7. After you have the results that you want, create a group based on this query.

    1. Under Group details, for Group name, type a name for your resource group.

      A resource group name can have a maximum of 128 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with AWS or aws. These are reserved. A resource group name must be unique in the current Region in your account.

    2. (Optional) In Group description, enter a description of your group.

    3. (Optional) In Group tags, add tag key and value pairs that apply only to the resource group, not the member resources in the group.

      Group tags are useful if you plan to make this group a member of a larger group. Because specifying at least a tag key is required to create a group, be sure to add at least a tag key in Group tags to groups that you plan to nest into larger groups.

  8. When you're finished, choose Create group.

Amazon CLI & Amazon SDKs

A tag-based group is based on a query of type TAG_FILTERS_1_0.

  1. In an Amazon CLI session, type the following, and then press Enter, replacing the values for group name, description, resource types, tag keys, and tag values with your own. Descriptions can have a maximum of 512 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, punctuation, and spaces. You can have a maximum of 20 resource types in a query. A resource group name can have a maximum of 128 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with AWS or aws. These are reserved. A resource group name must be unique in your account.

    At least one value for ResourceTypeFilters is required. To specify all resource types, use AWS::AllSupported as the ResourceTypeFilters value.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group \ --name resource-group-name \ --resource-query '{"Type":"TAG_FILTERS_1_0","Query":"{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"resource_type1\",\"resource_type2\"],\"TagFilters\":[{\"Key\":\"Key1\",\"Values\":[\"Value1\",\"Value2\"]},{\"Key\":\"Key2\",\"Values\":[\"Value1\",\"Value2\"]}]}"}'

    The following command is an example.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group \ --name my-resource-group \ --resource-query '{"Type":"TAG_FILTERS_1_0","Query":"{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::EC2::Instance\"],\"TagFilters\":[{\"Key\":\"Stage\",\"Values\":[\"Test\"]}]}"}'

    The following command is an example that includes all supported resource types.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group \ --name my-resource-group \ --resource-query '{"Type":"TAG_FILTERS_1_0","Query":"{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::AllSupported\"],\"TagFilters\":[{\"Key\":\"Stage\",\"Values\":[\"Test\"]}]}"}'
  2. The following are returned in the response to the command.

    • A full description of the group you have created.

    • The resource query that you used to create the group.

    • The tags that are associated with the group.

Create an Amazon CloudFormation stack-based group

The following procedures show you how to build a stack-based query and use it to create a resource group.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Resource Groups console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Create Resource Group.

  3. On Create query-based group, under Group type, choose the CloudFormation stack based group type.

  4. Choose the stack that you want to be the basis of your group. A resource group can be based on only one stack. To filter the list of stacks, start typing the name of the stack. Only stacks with supported statuses appear in the list.

  5. Choose resource types in the stack that you want to include in the group. For this walkthrough, keep the default, All supported resource types. For more information about which resource types are supported and can be in the group, see Resource types you can use with Amazon Resource Groups and Tag Editor.

  6. Choose View group resources to return the list of resources in the Amazon CloudFormation stack that match your selected resource types.

  7. After you have the results that you want, create a group based on this query.

    1. Under Group details, for Group name, type a name for your resource group.

      A resource group name can have a maximum of 128 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with AWS or aws. These are reserved. A resource group name must be unique in the current Region in your account.

    2. (Optional) In Group description, enter a description of your group.

    3. (Optional) In Group tags, add tag key and value pairs that apply only to the resource group, not the member resources in the group.

      Group tags are useful if you plan to make this group a member of a larger group. Because specifying at least a tag key is required to create a group, be sure to add at least a tag key in Group tags to groups that you plan to nest into larger groups.

  8. When you're finished, choose Create group.

Amazon CLI & Amazon SDKs

An Amazon CloudFormation stack-based group is based on a query of type CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0.

  1. Run the following command, replacing the values for group name, description, stack identifier, and resource types with your own. Descriptions can have a maximum of 512 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, punctuation, and spaces.

    If you do not specify resource types, Resource Groups includes all supported resource types in the stack. You can have a maximum of 20 resource types in a query. A resource group name can have a maximum of 128 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with AWS or aws. These are reserved. A resource group name must be unique in your account.

    The stack_identifier is the stack ARN, as shown in the example command.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group \ --name group_name \ --description "description" \ --resource-query '{"Type":"CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0","Query":"{\"StackIdentifier\":\"stack_identifier\",\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"resource_type1\",\"resource_type2\"]}"}'

    The following command is an example.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group \ --name My-CFN-stack-group \ --description "My first CloudFormation stack-based group" \ --resource-query '{"Type":"CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0","Query":"{\"StackIdentifier\":\"arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack\/AWStestuseraccount\/fb0d5000-aba8-00e8-aa9e-50d5cEXAMPLE\",\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::EC2::Instance\",\"AWS::S3::Bucket\"]}"}'
  2. The following are returned in the response to the command.

    • A full description of the group you have created.

    • The resource query that you used to create the group.