AWS::Bedrock::DataSource ParsingConfiguration - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::Bedrock::DataSource ParsingConfiguration

Settings for parsing document contents. If you exclude this field, the default parser converts the contents of each document into text before splitting it into chunks. Specify the parsing strategy to use in the parsingStrategy field and include the relevant configuration, or omit it to use the Amazon Bedrock default parser. For more information, see Parsing options for your data source.


If you specify BEDROCK_DATA_AUTOMATION or BEDROCK_FOUNDATION_MODEL and it fails to parse a file, the Amazon Bedrock default parser will be used instead.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



If you specify BEDROCK_DATA_AUTOMATION as the parsing strategy for ingesting your data source, use this object to modify configurations for using the Amazon Bedrock Data Automation parser.

Required: No

Type: BedrockDataAutomationConfiguration

Update requires: Replacement


If you specify BEDROCK_FOUNDATION_MODEL as the parsing strategy for ingesting your data source, use this object to modify configurations for using a foundation model to parse documents.

Required: No

Type: BedrockFoundationModelConfiguration

Update requires: Replacement


The parsing strategy for the data source.

Required: Yes

Type: String


Update requires: Replacement