AWS::CloudFormation::LambdaHook StackFilters - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::CloudFormation::LambdaHook StackFilters

The StackFilters property type specifies stack level filters for a Hook.

The StackNames or StackRoles properties are optional. However, you must specify at least one of these properties.

For more information, see Amazon CloudFormation Hooks stack level filters.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The filtering criteria.

  • All stack names and stack roles (All): The Hook will only be invoked when all specified filters match.

  • Any stack names and stack roles (Any): The Hook will be invoked if at least one of the specified filters match.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: ALL | ANY

Update requires: No interruption


Includes or excludes specific stacks from Hook invocations.

Required: No

Type: StackNames

Update requires: No interruption


Includes or excludes specific stacks from Hook invocations based on their associated IAM roles.

Required: No

Type: StackRoles

Update requires: No interruption