AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet DeploymentTargets - Amazon CloudFormation
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet DeploymentTargets

The Amazon OrganizationalUnitIds or Accounts for which to create stack instances in the specified Regions.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "AccountFilterType" : String, "Accounts" : [ String, ... ], "AccountsUrl" : String, "OrganizationalUnitIds" : [ String, ... ] }


AccountFilterType: String Accounts: - String AccountsUrl: String OrganizationalUnitIds: - String



Limit deployment targets to individual accounts or include additional accounts with provided OUs.

The following is a list of possible values for the AccountFilterType operation.

  • INTERSECTION: StackSets deploys to the accounts specified in Accounts parameter.

  • DIFFERENCE: StackSets excludes the accounts specified in Accounts parameter. This enables user to avoid certain accounts within an OU such as suspended accounts.

  • UNION: StackSets includes additional accounts deployment targets.

    This is the default value if AccountFilterType is not provided. This enables user to update an entire OU and individual accounts from a different OU in one request, which used to be two separate requests.

  • NONE: Deploys to all the accounts in specified organizational units (OU).

Required: No

Type: String


Update requires: No interruption


The names of one or more Amazon Web Services accounts for which you want to deploy stack set updates.

Pattern: ^[0-9]{12}$

Required: Conditional

Type: Array of String

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption


Returns the value of the AccountsUrl property.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: (s3://|http(s?)://).+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 5120

Update requires: No interruption


The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs to which StackSets deploys.

Pattern: ^(ou-[a-z0-9]{4,32}-[a-z0-9]{8,32}|r-[a-z0-9]{4,32})$

Required: Conditional

Type: Array of String

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption