AWS::CloudFront::OriginRequestPolicy CookiesConfig - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::CloudFront::OriginRequestPolicy CookiesConfig

An object that determines whether any cookies in viewer requests (and if so, which cookies) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "CookieBehavior" : String, "Cookies" : [ String, ... ] }


CookieBehavior: String Cookies: - String



Determines whether cookies in viewer requests are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. Valid values are:

  • none – No cookies in viewer requests are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. Even when this field is set to none, any cookies that are listed in a CachePolicy are included in origin requests.

  • whitelist – Only the cookies in viewer requests that are listed in the CookieNames type are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.

  • all – All cookies in viewer requests are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.

  • allExcept – All cookies in viewer requests are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin, except for those listed in the CookieNames type, which are not included.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^(none|whitelist|all|allExcept)$

Update requires: No interruption


Contains a list of cookie names.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Update requires: No interruption