AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition ResourceDataContainer - Amazon CloudFormation
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AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition ResourceDataContainer

A container for resource data, which defines the resource type. The container takes only one of the following supported resource data types: LocalDeviceResourceData, LocalVolumeResourceData, SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData, S3MachineLearningModelResourceData, or SecretsManagerSecretResourceData.


Only one resource type can be defined for a ResourceDataContainer instance.

In an Amazon CloudFormation template, ResourceDataContainer is a property of the ResourceInstance property type.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



Settings for a local device resource.

Required: No

Type: LocalDeviceResourceData

Update requires: Replacement


Settings for a local volume resource.

Required: No

Type: LocalVolumeResourceData

Update requires: Replacement


Settings for a machine learning resource stored in Amazon S3.

Required: No

Type: S3MachineLearningModelResourceData

Update requires: Replacement


Settings for a machine learning resource saved as an SageMaker AI training job.

Required: No

Type: SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData

Update requires: Replacement


Settings for a secret resource.

Required: No

Type: SecretsManagerSecretResourceData

Update requires: Replacement

See also