AWS::NetworkFirewall::TLSInspectionConfiguration TLSInspectionConfiguration
The object that defines a TLS inspection configuration. This defines the TLS inspection configuration.
Amazon Network Firewall uses a TLS inspection configuration to decrypt traffic. Network Firewall re-encrypts the traffic before sending it to its destination.
To use a TLS inspection configuration, you add it to a new Network Firewall firewall policy, then you apply the firewall policy to a firewall. Network Firewall acts as a proxy service to decrypt and inspect the traffic traveling through your firewalls. You can reference a TLS inspection configuration from more than one firewall policy, and you can use a firewall policy in more than one firewall. For more information about using TLS inspection configurations, see Inspecting SSL/TLS traffic with TLS inspection configurations in the Amazon Network Firewall Developer Guide.
To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
{ "ServerCertificateConfigurations" :
[ ServerCertificateConfiguration, ... ]
Lists the server certificate configurations that are associated with the TLS configuration.
Required: No
Type: Array of ServerCertificateConfiguration
Update requires: No interruption