AWS::GameLift::ContainerGroupDefinition - Amazon CloudFormation
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


This data type is used with the Amazon GameLift containers feature, which is currently in public preview.

The properties that describe a container group resource. Container group definition properties can't be updated. To change a property, create a new container group definition.

Used with: CreateContainerGroupDefinition

Returned by: DescribeContainerGroupDefinition, ListContainerGroupDefinitions


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::GameLift::ContainerGroupDefinition", "Properties" : { "ContainerDefinitions" : [ ContainerDefinition, ... ], "Name" : String, "OperatingSystem" : String, "SchedulingStrategy" : String, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ], "TotalCpuLimit" : Integer, "TotalMemoryLimit" : Integer } }


Type: AWS::GameLift::ContainerGroupDefinition Properties: ContainerDefinitions: - ContainerDefinition Name: String OperatingSystem: String SchedulingStrategy: String Tags: - Tag TotalCpuLimit: Integer TotalMemoryLimit: Integer



The set of container definitions that are included in the container group.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of ContainerDefinition

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 10

Update requires: Replacement


A descriptive identifier for the container group definition. The name value is unique in an Amazon Region.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128

Update requires: Replacement


The platform required for all containers in the container group definition.


Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) will reach end of support on 6/30/2025. See more details in the Amazon Linux 2 FAQs. For game servers that are hosted on AL2 and use Amazon GameLift server SDK 4.x., first update the game server build to server SDK 5.x, and then deploy to AL2023 instances. See Migrate to Amazon GameLift server SDK version 5.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: AMAZON_LINUX_2023

Update requires: Replacement


The method for deploying the container group across fleet instances. A replica container group might have multiple copies on each fleet instance. A daemon container group maintains only one copy per fleet instance.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: REPLICA | DAEMON

Update requires: Replacement


Property description not available.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption


The amount of CPU units on a fleet instance to allocate for the container group. All containers in the group share these resources. This property is an integer value in CPU units (1 vCPU is equal to 1024 CPU units).

You can set additional limits for each ContainerDefinition in the group. If individual containers have limits, this value must be equal to or greater than the sum of all container-specific CPU limits in the group.

For more details on memory allocation, see the Container fleet design guide.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer

Minimum: 128

Maximum: 10240

Update requires: Replacement


The amount of memory (in MiB) on a fleet instance to allocate for the container group. All containers in the group share these resources.

You can set additional limits for each ContainerDefinition in the group. If individual containers have limits, this value must meet the following requirements:

  • Equal to or greater than the sum of all container-specific soft memory limits in the group.

  • Equal to or greater than any container-specific hard limits in the group.

For more details on memory allocation, see the Container fleet design guide.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer

Minimum: 4

Maximum: 1024000

Update requires: Replacement

Return values




The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to an Amazon GameLift ContainerGroupDefinition resource. It uniquely identifies the resource across all Amazon Regions. Format is arn:aws:gamelift:<region>::containergroupdefinition/[container group definition name].


A time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").