AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel - Amazon CloudFormation
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Creates a new control panel in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. A control panel represents a group of routing controls that can be changed together in a single transaction. You can use a control panel to centrally view the operational status of applications across your organization, and trigger multi-app failovers in a single transaction, for example, to fail over from one Amazon Region (cell) to another.


To declare this entity in your Amazon CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel", "Properties" : { "ClusterArn" : String, "Name" : String, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel Properties: ClusterArn: String Name: String Tags: - Tag



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster for the control panel.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9:\/_-]*$

Update requires: Replacement


The name of the control panel. You can use any non-white space character in the name.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 64

Update requires: No interruption


The tags associated with the control panel.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Update requires: Replacement

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the ControlPanelArn object.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control panel.


The boolean flag that is set to true for the default control panel in the cluster.


The number of routing controls in the control panel.


The deployment status of control panel. Status can be one of the following: PENDING, DEPLOYED, PENDING_DELETION.