Custom resource request objects - Amazon CloudFormation
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Custom resource request objects

This topic describes the properties of the request object for a CloudFormation custom resource.

For an introduction to custom resources and how they work, see Custom resources.

Template developer request properties

The template developer uses the CloudFormation resource, AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource, to specify a custom resource in a template.

In AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource, all properties are defined by the custom resource provider. There is only one required property: ServiceToken.


The maximum time, in seconds, that can elapse before a custom resource operation times out.

The value must be an integer from 1 to 3600. The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Required: No

Type: String


The service token, such as an Amazon SNS topic ARN or Lambda function ARN. The service token must be from the same Region as the stack.

Required: Yes

Type: String

All other fields in the resource properties are optional and are sent, verbatim, to the custom resource provider in the request's ResourceProperties field. The provider defines both the names and the valid contents of these fields.

Custom resource provider request fields

These fields are sent in JSON requests from CloudFormation to the custom resource provider in the SNS topic that the provider has configured for this purpose.


The request type is set by the CloudFormation stack operation (create-stack, update-stack, or delete-stack) that was initiated by the template developer for the stack that contains the custom resource.

Must be one of: Create, Update, or Delete. For more information, see Custom resource request types.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The response URL identifies a presigned S3 bucket that receives responses from the custom resource provider to Amazon CloudFormation.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the stack that contains the custom resource.

Combining the StackId with the RequestId forms a value that you can use to uniquely identify a request on a particular custom resource.

Required: Yes

Type: String


A unique ID for the request.

Combining the StackId with the RequestId forms a value that you can use to uniquely identify a request on a particular custom resource.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The template developer-chosen resource type of the custom resource in the CloudFormation template. Custom resource type names can be up to 60 characters long and can include alphanumeric and the following characters: _@-.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The template developer-chosen name (logical ID) of the custom resource in the Amazon CloudFormation template. This is provided to facilitate communication between the custom resource provider and the template developer.

Required: Yes

Type: String


A required custom resource provider-defined physical ID that is unique for that provider.

The value returned for a PhysicalResourceId can change custom resource update operations. If the value returned is the same, it is considered a normal update. If the value returned is different, Amazon CloudFormation recognizes the update as a replacement and sends a delete request to the old resource. For more information, see AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.

Required: Always sent with Update and Delete requests; never sent with Create.

Type: String


This field contains the contents of the Properties object sent by the template developer. Its contents are defined by the custom resource provider.

Required: No

Type: JSON object


Used only for Update requests. Contains the resource properties that were declared previous to the update request.

Required: Yes

Type: JSON object