Stack Status Change event detail - Amazon CloudFormation
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Stack Status Change event detail

Below are the detail fields for Stack Status Change events.

The source and detail-type fields are included because they contain specific values for Amazon CloudFormation events.

{ . . ., "detail-type":"CloudFormation Stack Status Change", "source":"aws.cloudformation", . . ., "detail":{ "stack-id":"string", "status-details":{ "status":"string", "status-reason":"string" }, "client-request-token":"string" } }

Identifies the type of event.

For stack status events, this value is CloudFormation Stack Status Change.


Identifies the service that generated the event. For CloudFormation events, this value is aws.cloudformation.


A JSON object that contains information about the event. The service generating the event determines the content of this field.

For stack status events, this data includes:


The unique stack ID associated with the stack.


Status of the stack.

For a complete list of stack status codes, see Stack status codes.


Status reason of the resource.


An access token used to call the API. All events that are initiated by a given stack operation are assigned the same client request token, which you can use to track operations. Stack operations that are initiated from the console use the token format Console-StackOperation-ID, which helps you to easily identify the stack operation. For example, if you create a stack using the console, each resulting stack event would be assigned the same token in the following format: Console-CreateStack-7f59c3cf-00d2-40c7-b2ff-e75db0987002.

Example: Stack Status event

The following is an example stack status event, where CloudFormation has successfully created the requested stack, teststack.

{ "version":"0", "id":"6a7e8feb-b491-4cf7-a9f1-bf3703467718", "detail-type":"CloudFormation Stack Status Change", "source":"aws.cloudformation", "account":"111122223333", "time":"2017-12-22T18:43:48Z", "region":"us-west-1", "resources":[ "arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:us-west-1:111122223333:stack/teststack" ], "detail":{ "stack-id":"arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:us-west-1:111122223333:stack/teststack", "status-details":{ "status":"CREATE_COMPLETE", "status-reason":"" }, "client-request-token":"" } }