Fn::ImportValue - Amazon CloudFormation
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


The intrinsic function Fn::ImportValue returns the value of an output exported by another stack. You typically use this function to create cross-stack references. In the following example template snippets, Stack A exports VPC security group values and Stack B imports them.


The following restrictions apply to cross-stack references:

  • For each Amazon Web Services account, Export names must be unique within a Region.

  • You can't create cross-stack references across Regions. You can use the intrinsic function Fn::ImportValue to import only values that have been exported within the same Region.

  • For outputs, the value of the Name property of an Export can't use Ref or GetAtt functions that depend on a resource.

    Similarly, the ImportValue function can't include Ref or GetAtt functions that depend on a resource.

  • You can't delete a stack if another stack references one of its outputs.

  • You can't modify or remove an output value that is referenced by another stack.


Stack A Export

"Outputs" : { "PublicSubnet" : { "Description" : "The subnet ID to use for public web servers", "Value" : { "Ref" : "PublicSubnet" }, "Export" : { "Name" : {"Fn::Sub": "${AWS::StackName}-SubnetID" }} }, "WebServerSecurityGroup" : { "Description" : "The security group ID to use for public web servers", "Value" : { "Fn::GetAtt" : ["WebServerSecurityGroup", "GroupId"] }, "Export" : { "Name" : {"Fn::Sub": "${AWS::StackName}-SecurityGroupID" }} } }


Stack A Export

Outputs: PublicSubnet: Description: The subnet ID to use for public web servers Value: Ref: PublicSubnet Export: Name: 'Fn::Sub': '${AWS::StackName}-SubnetID' WebServerSecurityGroup: Description: The security group ID to use for public web servers Value: 'Fn::GetAtt': - WebServerSecurityGroup - GroupId Export: Name: 'Fn::Sub': '${AWS::StackName}-SecurityGroupID'


Stack B Import

"Resources" : { "WebServerInstance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : "t2.micro", "ImageId" : "ami-a1b23456", "NetworkInterfaces" : [{ "GroupSet" : [{"Fn::ImportValue" : {"Fn::Sub" : "${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SecurityGroupID"}}], "AssociatePublicIpAddress" : "true", "DeviceIndex" : "0", "DeleteOnTermination" : "true", "SubnetId" : {"Fn::ImportValue" : {"Fn::Sub" : "${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID"}} }] } } }


Stack B Import

Resources: WebServerInstance: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' Properties: InstanceType: t2.micro ImageId: ami-a1b23456 NetworkInterfaces: - GroupSet: - Fn::ImportValue: 'Fn::Sub': '${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SecurityGroupID' AssociatePublicIpAddress: 'true' DeviceIndex: '0' DeleteOnTermination: 'true' SubnetId: Fn::ImportValue: 'Fn::Sub': '${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID'



{ "Fn::ImportValue" : sharedValueToImport }


You can use the full function name:

Fn::ImportValue: sharedValueToImport

Alternatively, you can use the short form:

!ImportValue sharedValueToImport

You can't use the short form of !ImportValue when it contains the short form of !Sub.

# do not use !ImportValue !Sub '${NetworkStack}-SubnetID'

Instead, you must use the full function name, for example:

Fn::ImportValue: !Sub "${NetworkStack}-SubnetID"



The stack output value that you want to import.

Return value

The stack output value.



{ "Fn::ImportValue" : {"Fn::Sub": "${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID" } }


Fn::ImportValue: !Sub "${NetworkStackName}-SecurityGroupID"

Supported functions

You can use the following functions in the Fn::ImportValue function. The value of these functions can't depend on a resource.

  • Fn::Base64

  • Fn::FindInMap

  • Fn::If

  • Fn::Join

  • Fn::Select

  • Fn::Sub

  • Ref