Create wait conditions in a CloudFormation template - Amazon CloudFormation
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Create wait conditions in a CloudFormation template

This topic explains how to create a wait condition in a template to coordinate the creation of stack resources or track the progress of a configuration process. For example, you can start the creation of another resource after an application configuration is partially complete, or you can send signals during an installation and configuration process to track its progress.

When CloudFormation creates a stack that includes a wait condition:

  • It creates a wait condition just like any other resource and sets the wait condition’s status to CREATE_IN_PROGRESS.

  • CloudFormation waits until it receives the requisite number of success signals or the wait condition’s timeout period has expired.

  • If it receives the requisite number of success signals before the timeout period expires:

    • Wait condition status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE

    • Stack creation continues

  • If timeout expires or a failure signal is received:

    • Wait condition status changes to CREATE_FAILED

    • Stack rolls back


For Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling resources, we recommend that you use a CreationPolicy attribute instead of wait conditions. Add a CreationPolicy attribute to those resources, and use the cfn-signal helper script to signal when an instance creation process has completed successfully.

For more information, see CreationPolicy attribute or Deploy applications on Amazon EC2.


If you use Amazon PrivateLink, resources in the VPC that respond to wait conditions must have access to CloudFormation-specific Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Resources must send wait condition responses to a presigned Amazon S3 URL. If they can't send responses to Amazon S3, CloudFormation won't receive a response and the stack operation fails. For more information, see Access CloudFormation using an interface endpoint (Amazon PrivateLink) and Controlling access from VPC endpoints with bucket policies.

Creating a wait condition in your template

1. Wait condition handle

You start by defining a AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle resource in the stack's template. This resource generates the presigned URL needed for sending signals. This allows you to send a signal without having to supply your Amazon credentials. For example:

Resources: MyWaitHandle: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
2. Wait condition

Next, you define an AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition resource in the stack's template. The basic structure of a AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition looks like this:

MyWaitCondition: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition Properties: Handle: String Timeout: String Count: Integer

The AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition resource has two required properties and one optional property.

  • Handle (required) – A reference to a WaitConditionHandle declared in the template.

  • Timeout (required) – The number of seconds for CloudFormation to wait for the requisite number of signals to be received. Timeout is a minimum-bound property, meaning the timeout occurs no sooner than the time you specify, but can occur shortly thereafter. The maximum time that you can specify is 43200 seconds (12 hours ).

  • Count (optional) – The number of success signals that CloudFormation must receive before it sets that wait condition’s status to CREATE_COMPLETE and resumes creating the stack. If not specified, the default value is 1.

Typically, you want a wait condition to begin immediately after the creation of a specific resource. You do this by adding the DependsOn attribute to a wait condition. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a wait condition, CloudFormation creates the resource in the DependsOn attribute first, and then creates the wait condition.

The following example demonstrates a wait condition that:

  • Begins after the successful creation of the MyEC2Instance resource

  • Uses the MyWaitHandle resource as the WaitConditionHandle

  • Has a timeout of 4500 seconds

  • Has the default Count of 1 (since no Count property is specified)

MyWaitCondition: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition DependsOn: MyEC2Instance Properties: Handle: !Ref MyWaitHandle Timeout: '4500'
3. Sending a signal

To signal success or failure to CloudFormation, you typically run some code or script. For example, an application running on an EC2 instance might perform some additional configuration tasks and then send a signal to CloudFormation to indicate completion.

The signal must be sent to the presigned URL generated by the wait condition handle. You use that presigned URL to signal success or failure.

To send a signal
  1. To retrieve the presigned URL within the template, use the Ref intrinsic function with the logical name of the wait condition handle.

    As shown in the following example, your template can declare an Amazon EC2 instance and pass the presigned URL to EC2 instances using the Amazon EC2 UserData property. This allows scripts or applications running on those instances to signal success or failure to CloudFormation.

    MyEC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: InstanceType: t2.micro # Example instance type ImageId: ami-055e3d4f0bbeb5878 # Change this as needed (Amazon Linux 2023 in us-west-2) UserData: Fn::Base64: Fn::Join: - "" - - "SignalURL=" - { "Ref": "MyWaitHandle" }

    This results in UserData output similar to:


    Note: In the Amazon Web Services Management Console and the command line tools, the presigned URL is displayed as the physical ID of the wait condition handle resource.

  2. (Optional) To detect when the stack enters the wait condition, you can use one of the following methods:

    • If you create the stack with notifications enabled, CloudFormation publishes a notification for every stack event to the specified topic. If you or your application subscribe to that topic, you can monitor the notifications for the wait condition handle creation event and retrieve the presigned URL from the notification message.

    • You can also monitor the stack's events using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon CLI, or an SDK.

  3. To send a signal, you send an HTTP request message using the presigned URL. The request method must be PUT and the Content-Type header must be an empty string or omitted. The request message must be a JSON structure of the form specified in Wait condition signal syntax.

    You must send the number of success signals specified by the Count property in order for CloudFormation to continue stack creation. If you have a Count that is greater than 1, the UniqueId value for each signal must be unique across all signals sent to a particular wait condition. The UniqueId is an arbitrary alphanumerical string.

    A curl command is one way to send a signal. The following example shows a curl command line that signals success to a wait condition.

    $ curl -T /tmp/a \ ""

    where the file /tmp/a contains the following JSON structure:

    { "Status" : "SUCCESS", "Reason" : "Configuration Complete", "UniqueId" : "ID1234", "Data" : "Application has completed configuration." }

    This example shows a curl command line that sends the same success signal except it sends the JSON structure as a parameter on the command line.

    $ curl -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type:' --data-binary '{"Status" : "SUCCESS","Reason" : "Configuration Complete","UniqueId" : "ID1234","Data" : "Application has completed configuration."}' \ ""

Wait condition signal syntax

When you send signals to the URL generated by the wait condition handle, you must use the following JSON format:

{ "Status" : "StatusValue", "UniqueId" : "Some UniqueId", "Data" : "Some Data", "Reason" : "Some Reason" }


The Status field must be one of the following values:



The UniqueId field identifies the signal to CloudFormation. If the Count property of the wait condition is greater than 1, the UniqueId value must be unique across all signals sent for a particular wait condition; otherwise, CloudFormation will consider the signal a retransmission of the previously sent signal with the same UniqueId and ignore it.

The Data field can contain any information you want to send back with the signal. You can access the Data value by using the Fn::GetAtt function within the template.

The Reason field is a string with no other restrictions on its content besides JSON compliance.

Accessing signal data

To access the data sent by valid signals, you can create an output value for the wait condition in your CloudFormation template. For example:

Outputs: WaitConditionData: Description: The data passed back as part of signalling the WaitCondition Value: !GetAtt MyWaitCondition.Data

You can then view this data using the describe-stacks command, or the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation console.

The Fn::GetAtt function returns the UniqueId and Data as a name/value pair within a JSON structure. For example:

{"Signal1":"Application has completed configuration."}