VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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The tunnel options for a single VPN tunnel.



The action to take after DPD timeout occurs. Specify restart to restart the IKE initiation. Specify clear to end the IKE session.

Valid Values: clear | none | restart

Default: clear

Type: String

Required: No


The number of seconds after which a DPD timeout occurs.

Constraints: A value greater than or equal to 30.

Default: 30

Type: Integer

Required: No


Turn on or off tunnel endpoint lifecycle control feature.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The IKE versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel.

Valid values: ikev1 | ikev2

Type: Array of IKEVersionsRequestListValue objects

Required: No


Options for logging VPN tunnel activity.

Type: VpnTunnelLogOptionsSpecification object

Required: No


One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: 2 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

Type: Array of Phase1DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue objects

Required: No


One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: AES128 | AES256 | AES128-GCM-16 | AES256-GCM-16

Type: Array of Phase1EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue objects

Required: No


One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 | SHA2-384 | SHA2-512

Type: Array of Phase1IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue objects

Required: No


The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Constraints: A value between 900 and 28,800.

Default: 28800

Type: Integer

Required: No


One or more Diffie-Hellman group numbers that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: 2 | 5 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

Type: Array of Phase2DHGroupNumbersRequestListValue objects

Required: No


One or more encryption algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: AES128 | AES256 | AES128-GCM-16 | AES256-GCM-16

Type: Array of Phase2EncryptionAlgorithmsRequestListValue objects

Required: No


One or more integrity algorithms that are permitted for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Valid values: SHA1 | SHA2-256 | SHA2-384 | SHA2-512

Type: Array of Phase2IntegrityAlgorithmsRequestListValue objects

Required: No


The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Constraints: A value between 900 and 3,600. The value must be less than the value for Phase1LifetimeSeconds.

Default: 3600

Type: Integer

Required: No


The pre-shared key (PSK) to establish initial authentication between the virtual private gateway and customer gateway.

Constraints: Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and underscores (_). Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length and cannot start with zero (0).

Type: String

Required: No


The percentage of the rekey window (determined by RekeyMarginTimeSeconds) during which the rekey time is randomly selected.

Constraints: A value between 0 and 100.

Default: 100

Type: Integer

Required: No


The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during which the Amazon side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey. The exact time of the rekey is randomly selected based on the value for RekeyFuzzPercentage.

Constraints: A value between 60 and half of Phase2LifetimeSeconds.

Default: 270

Type: Integer

Required: No


The number of packets in an IKE replay window.

Constraints: A value between 64 and 2048.

Default: 1024

Type: Integer

Required: No


The action to take when the establishing the tunnel for the VPN connection. By default, your customer gateway device must initiate the IKE negotiation and bring up the tunnel. Specify start for Amazon to initiate the IKE negotiation.

Valid Values: add | start

Default: add

Type: String

Required: No


The range of inside IPv4 addresses for the tunnel. Any specified CIDR blocks must be unique across all VPN connections that use the same virtual private gateway.

Constraints: A size /30 CIDR block from the range. The following CIDR blocks are reserved and cannot be used:








Type: String

Required: No


The range of inside IPv6 addresses for the tunnel. Any specified CIDR blocks must be unique across all VPN connections that use the same transit gateway.

Constraints: A size /126 CIDR block from the local fd00::/8 range.

Type: String

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: