Check AMD SEV-SNP support on Amazon EC2 instances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Check AMD SEV-SNP support on Amazon EC2 instances

Find Amazon EC2 instance types that support AMD SEV-SNP

You can use the Amazon CLI to find instance types that support AMD SEV-SNP.

To find the instance types that support AMD SEV-SNP using the Amazon CLI, use the following describe-instance-types command.

$ aws ec2 describe-instance-types \ --filters Name=processor-info.supported-features,Values=amd-sev-snp \ --query 'InstanceTypes[*].InstanceType'

Example output.

[ "r6a.2xlarge", "m6a.large", "m6a.2xlarge", "r6a.xlarge", "c6a.16xlarge", "c6a.8xlarge", "m6a.4xlarge", "c6a.12xlarge", "r6a.4xlarge", "c6a.xlarge", ... ]

Check if an Amazon EC2 instance is enabled for AMD SEV-SNP

You can use one of the following methods to check the status of AMD SEV-SNP.

Amazon CLI

To check whether AMD SEV-SNP is enabled for an instance using the Amazon CLI, use the describe-instances command. For --instance-ids, specify the ID of the instance to check.

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids instance_id

In the command output, the value for AmdSevSnp in CpuOptions indicates whether AMD SEV-SNP is enabled or disabled.

Amazon CloudTrail

In the Amazon CloudTrail event for the instance launch request, a value of "cpuOptions": {"AmdSevSnp": enabled} indicates that AMD SEV-SNP is enabled for the instance.