Option B: Create a binary blob containing a pre-filled variable store - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Option B: Create a binary blob containing a pre-filled variable store

After you have created the three key pairs, you can create a binary blob containing a pre-filled variable store containing the UEFI Secure Boot keys.


You must sign your boot images before you enroll the keys, otherwise you won’t be able to boot your instance.

Step 1: Create a new variable store or update an existing one

You can create the variable store offline without a running instance by using the python-uefivars tool. The tool can create a new variable store from your keys. The script currently supports the EDK2 format, the Amazon format, and a JSON representation that is easier to edit with higher-level tooling.

To create the variable store offline without a running instance
  1. Download the tool at the following link.

  2. Create a new variable store from your keys by running the following command. This will create a base64-encoded binary blob in your_binary_blob.bin. The tool also supports updating a binary blob via the -I parameter.

    ./uefivars.py -i none -o aws -O your_binary_blob.bin -P PK.esl -K KEK.esl --db db.esl --dbx dbx.esl

Step 2: Upload the binary blob on AMI creation

Use register-image to pass your UEFI variable store data. For the --uefi-data parameter, specify your binary blob, and for the --boot-mode parameter, specify uefi.

aws ec2 register-image \ --name uefi_sb_tpm_register_image_test \ --uefi-data $(cat your_binary_blob.bin) \ --block-device-mappings "DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs= {SnapshotId=snap-0123456789example,DeleteOnTermination=true}" \ --architecture x86_64 \ --root-device-name /dev/sda1 \ --virtualization-type hvm \ --ena-support \ --boot-mode uefi