Enabling client-side buffering and request batching with Amazon SQS - Amazon Simple Queue Service
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Enabling client-side buffering and request batching with Amazon SQS

The Amazon SDK for Java includes AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient which accesses Amazon SQS. This client allows for simple request batching using client-side buffering. Calls made from the client are first buffered and then sent as a batch request to Amazon SQS.

Client-side buffering allows up to 10 requests to be buffered and sent as a batch request, decreasing your cost of using Amazon SQS and reducing the number of sent requests. AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient buffers both synchronous and asynchronous calls. Batched requests and support for long polling can also help increase throughput. For more information, see Increasing throughput using horizontal scaling and action batching with Amazon SQS.

Because AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient implements the same interface as AmazonSQSAsyncClient, migrating from AmazonSQSAsyncClient to AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient typically requires only minimal changes to your existing code.


The Amazon SQS Buffered Asynchronous Client doesn't currently support FIFO queues.

Using AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient

Before you begin, complete the steps in Setting up Amazon SQS.

Amazon SDK for Java 1.x

For Amazon SDK for Java 1.x, you can create a new AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient based on the following example:

// Create the basic Amazon SQS async client final AmazonSQSAsync sqsAsync = new AmazonSQSAsyncClient(); // Create the buffered client final AmazonSQSAsync bufferedSqs = new AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient(sqsAsync);

After you create the new AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient, you can use it to send multiple requests to Amazon SQS (just as you can with AmazonSQSAsyncClient), for example:

final CreateQueueRequest createRequest = new CreateQueueRequest().withQueueName("MyQueue"); final CreateQueueResult res = bufferedSqs.createQueue(createRequest); final SendMessageRequest request = new SendMessageRequest(); final String body = "Your message text" + System.currentTimeMillis(); request.setMessageBody( body ); request.setQueueUrl(res.getQueueUrl()); final Future<SendMessageResult> sendResult = bufferedSqs.sendMessageAsync(request); final ReceiveMessageRequest receiveRq = new ReceiveMessageRequest() .withMaxNumberOfMessages(1) .withQueueUrl(queueUrl); final ReceiveMessageResult rx = bufferedSqs.receiveMessage(receiveRq);

Configuring AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient

AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient is preconfigured with settings that work for most use cases. You can further configure AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient, for example:

  1. Create an instance of the QueueBufferConfig class with the required configuration parameters.

  2. Provide the instance to the AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient constructor.

// Create the basic Amazon SQS async client final AmazonSQSAsync sqsAsync = new AmazonSQSAsyncClient(); final QueueBufferConfig config = new QueueBufferConfig() .withMaxInflightReceiveBatches(5) .withMaxDoneReceiveBatches(15); // Create the buffered client final AmazonSQSAsync bufferedSqs = new AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient(sqsAsync, config);
QueueBufferConfig configuration parameters
Parameter Default value Description
longPoll true

When longPoll is set to true, AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient attempts to use long polling when it consumes messages.

longPollWaitTimeoutSeconds 20 s

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) which a ReceiveMessage call blocks off on the server, waiting for messages to appear in the queue before returning with an empty receive result.


When long polling is disabled, this setting has no effect.

maxBatchOpenMs 200 ms

The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that an outgoing call waits for other calls with which it batches messages of the same type.

The higher the setting, the fewer batches are required to perform the same amount of work (however, the first call in a batch has to spend a longer time waiting).

When you set this parameter to 0, submitted requests don't wait for other requests, effectively disabling batching.

maxBatchSize 10 requests per batch

The maximum number of messages that are batched together in a single request. The higher the setting, the fewer batches are required to carry out the same number of requests.


10 requests per batch is the maximum allowed value for Amazon SQS.

maxBatchSizeBytes 256 KiB

The maximum size of a message batch, in bytes, that the client attempts to send to Amazon SQS.


256 KiB is the maximum allowed value for Amazon SQS.

maxDoneReceiveBatches 10 batches

The maximum number of receive batches that AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient prefetches and stores client-side.

The higher the setting, the more receive requests can be satisfied without having to make a call to Amazon SQS (however, the more messages are prefetched, the longer they remain in the buffer, causing their own visibility timeout to expire).


0 indicates that all message pre-fetching is disabled and messages are consumed only on demand.

maxInflightOutboundBatches 5 batches

The maximum number of active outbound batches that can be processed at the same time.

The higher the setting, the faster outbound batches can be sent (subject to quotas such as CPU or bandwidth) and the more threads are consumed by AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient.

maxInflightReceiveBatches 10 batches

The maximum number of active receive batches that can be processed at the same time.

The higher the setting, the more messages can be received (subject to quotas such as CPU or bandwidth), and the more threads are consumed by AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient.


0 indicates that all message pre-fetching is disabled and messages are consumed only on demand.

visibilityTimeoutSeconds -1

When this parameter is set to a positive, non-zero value, the visibility timeout set here overrides the visibility timeout set on the queue from which messages are consumed.


-1 indicates that the default setting is selected for the queue.

You can't set visibility timeout to 0.

Amazon SDK for Java 2.x

For Amazon SDK for Java 2.x, you can create a new SqsAsyncBatchManager based on the following example:

// Create the basic Sqs Async Client SqsAsyncClient sqs = SqsAsyncClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); // Create the batch manager SqsAsyncBatchManager sqsAsyncBatchManager = sqs.batchManager();

After you create the new SqsAsyncBatchManager, you can use it to send multiple requests to Amazon SQS (just as you can with SqsAsyncClient), for example:

final String queueName = "MyAsyncBufferedQueue" + UUID.randomUUID(); final CreateQueueRequest request = CreateQueueRequest.builder().queueName(queueName).build(); final String queueUrl = sqs.createQueue(request).join().queueUrl(); System.out.println("Queue created: " + queueUrl); // Send messages CompletableFuture<SendMessageResponse> sendMessageFuture; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final int index = i; sendMessageFuture = sqsAsyncBatchManager.sendMessage( r -> r.messageBody("Message " + index).queueUrl(queueUrl)); SendMessageResponse response= sendMessageFuture.join(); System.out.println("Message " + response.messageId() + " sent!"); } // Receive messages with customized configurations CompletableFuture<ReceiveMessageResponse> receiveResponseFuture = customizedBatchManager.receiveMessage( r -> r.queueUrl(queueUrl) .waitTimeSeconds(10) .visibilityTimeout(20) .maxNumberOfMessages(10) ); System.out.println("You have received " + receiveResponseFuture.join().messages().size() + " messages in total."); // Delete messages DeleteQueueRequest deleteQueueRequest = DeleteQueueRequest.builder().queueUrl(queueUrl).build(); int code = sqs.deleteQueue(deleteQueueRequest).join().sdkHttpResponse().statusCode(); System.out.println("Queue is deleted, with statusCode " + code);

Configuring SqsAsyncBatchManager

SqsAsyncBatchManager is preconfigured with settings that work for most use cases. You can further configure SqsAsyncBatchManager, for example:

Creating custom configuration via SqsAsyncBatchManager.Builder:

SqsAsyncBatchManager customizedBatchManager = SqsAsyncBatchManager.builder() .client(sqs) .scheduledExecutor(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5)) .overrideConfiguration(b -> b .maxBatchSize(10) .sendRequestFrequency(Duration.ofMillis(200)) .receiveMessageMinWaitDuration(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) .receiveMessageVisibilityTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)) .receiveMessageAttributeNames(Collections.singletonList("*")) .receiveMessageSystemAttributeNames(Collections.singletonList(MessageSystemAttributeName.ALL))) .build();
BatchOverrideConfiguration parameters
Parameter Default value Description

10 requests per batch

The maximum number of messages that are batched together in a single request. The higher the setting, the fewer batches are required to carry out the same number of requests.


The maximum allowed value for Amazon SQS is 10 requests per batch.


200 ms

The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that an outgoing call waits for other calls with which it batches messages of the same type.

The higher the setting, the fewer batches are required to perform the same amount of work (however, the first call in a batch has to spend a longer time waiting).

When you set this parameter to 0, submitted requests don't wait for other requests, effectively disabling batching.



When this parameter is set to a positive, non-zero value, the visibility timeout set here overrides the visibility timeout set on the queue from which messages are consumed.


1 indicates that the default setting is selected for the queue. You can't set visibility timeout to 0.


50 ms

The minimal amount of time (in milliseconds) that a receiveMessage call waits for available messages to be fetched. The higher the setting, the fewer batches are required to carry out the same number of request.