Using the Java Message Service with other Amazon SQS clients
Using the Amazon SQS Java Message Service (JMS) Client with the Amazon SDK limits Amazon SQS message size to 256 KB. However, you can create a JMS provider using any Amazon SQS client. For example, you can use the JMS Client with the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java to send an Amazon SQS message that contains a reference to a message payload (up to 2 GB) in Amazon S3. For more information, see Managing large Amazon SQS messages using Java and Amazon S3.
The following Java code example creates the JMS provider for the Extended Client Library.
See the prerequisites in Prerequisites for working with JMS and Amazon SQS before testing this example.
AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials); Region s3Region = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2); s3.setRegion(s3Region); // Set the Amazon S3 bucket name, and set a lifecycle rule on the bucket to // permanently delete objects a certain number of days after each object's creation date. // Next, create the bucket, and enable message objects to be stored in the bucket. BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Rule expirationRule = new BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Rule(); expirationRule.withExpirationInDays(14).withStatus("Enabled"); BucketLifecycleConfiguration lifecycleConfig = new BucketLifecycleConfiguration().withRules(expirationRule); s3.createBucket(s3BucketName); s3.setBucketLifecycleConfiguration(s3BucketName, lifecycleConfig); System.out.println("Bucket created and configured."); // Set the SQS extended client configuration with large payload support enabled. ExtendedClientConfiguration extendedClientConfig = new ExtendedClientConfiguration() .withLargePayloadSupportEnabled(s3, s3BucketName); AmazonSQS sqsExtended = new AmazonSQSExtendedClient(new AmazonSQSClient(credentials), extendedClientConfig); Region sqsRegion = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2); sqsExtended.setRegion(sqsRegion);
The following Java code example creates the connection factory:
// Create the connection factory using the environment variable credential provider. // Pass the configured Amazon SQS Extended Client to the JMS connection factory. SQSConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SQSConnectionFactory( new ProviderConfiguration(), sqsExtended ); // Create the connection. SQSConnection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();